Dr Madhushala Senaratne


2014 - 2015: MA in Media Practice for Development and Social Change, Distinction, University of Sussex

2004 - 2007: BA in International Relations and Media, Communications, and Culture, First Class (Dual) Honours, Keele University





Doctoral Researcher in Media and Cultural Studies



Senaratne, M. and Chonka, P. (Eds.) (2019) [Forthcoming] ’Parodying humanitarianism online’ [Special Issue] Networking Knowledge

Senaratne, M. (2018) ‘Crossing the Sea with Syrians on the Exodus to Europe: Negotiating Identity, History, and Relations, Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory, 29:2, 145-157, DOI: 10.1080/10436928.2018.1456284

Senaratne, M (2017) ‘Testimony and Trauma in Sri Lanka’s War Narratives’ In Cakirtas, O. (ed) Ideological Messaging and the Role of Political Literature, IGI Global, 1-317, doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2391-8

Senaratne, M. (2017) ‘The Transition from MDGs to SDGs: Rethinking Buzzwords’ In Servaes, J. (ed) Sustainable Development Goals in the Asian Context, Singapore: Springer


Conference Papers

2018 Beyond colonial narratives of the vulnerable other, CHASE Postgraduate Symposium: Researching the Postcolonial to the Global, University of Sussex, September 2018, paper presented.

2018 Stories of the conflict-affected other: Narratives, power, and organisational strategies, Narrative Matters 2018, University of Twente, the Netherlands, July 2018, paper presented. 

2018 Humanitarian narrative production, and towards understandings of credibility, MFM Doctoral Day, University of Sussex, June 2018, paper presented.

2018 Navigating local sensitivities: human rights, communications strategies, and international organisations in Sri Lanka, International Communications Association (ICA) Pre-conference on Global Media and Human Rights, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2018, paper presented.

2016 Questions on framing ‘victims’ of disaster: Understanding the research framework’, 13th annual Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association (Postgraduate Network) Conference, University of Leicester, UK, July 2016, paper presented.

2016, Connected histories, shared futures: Is the narrative of India’s relations with South Asia changing? Rising Powers Young Researchers’ Conference, Institute of Development Studies, UK, March 2016, paper presented.



Panel convenor – The Development Storyteller [experimental: an interactive story-producing workshop] [Forthcoming], Development Studies Association conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, June 2019

Organiser, Opportunities for Research: Humanitarian Narratives, Representational Strategies, and I/NGO Structures, University of Sussex, January 2018


Short documentary

Senaratne M. and Thapar, S. (2014) Biryani in Brighton 


Other roles

Editor in Chief, Networking Knowledge (journal of MeCCSA PGN) 2018-2019


Other achievements

The Interview - Second prize winner, IDS 50th anniversary short story competition (The Guardian, Dec 2016): https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/dec/31/development-short-stories-a-job-opportunity-in-sri-lanka