Prof Bugewa Apampa
Dr Apampa graduated with a first class honours degree in Pharmacy from the University of Benin, Nigeria subsequently carrying out research in the area of neuropharmacology at the University of Manchester, investigating ‘The Non-Thermoregulatory and Behavioural Effects of Fever’ (MSc) and subsequently, ‘The Biological and Pharmacological effects of Interleukin-1ß’ (PhD). In 2006, Dr Apampa was awarded a Clinical Pharmacy Diploma in Primary Care Pharmacy from the Aston School of Pharmacy (with distinction).
As Project Director and Community Pharmacy Lead in the Welwyn Hatfield Primary Care Trust in Hertfordshire, she provided the strategic direction and leadership for the PCT, for the implementation of the new community pharmacy contract producing the first strategic PCT pharmaceutical needs assessment in March 2005. She also contributed to the development of modern and innovative pharmaceutical services in accordance with PCT priorities and targets. These pharmacy services included the advice and supply of Emergency Hormonal Contraception, Chloramphenicol and Smoking Cessation products via patient group directions.