Miss Gizem Guney
Dr Gizem Guney completed her PhD at the University of Sussex in 2019, which analysed the Istanbul Convention from a radical feminist perspective, particularly in the light of the dominance theory developed by Catherine A. MacKinnon. She has been teaching law and sociology modules at the University of Sussex since 2016. She completed her LLB (2011) in Eskişehir Anadolu University and LLM (2014) in Public Law at Queen Mary University of London with the best student award of the specialisation unit.
Doctoral Tutor in Law and Sociology
Community and Business
Since 2016, Gizem has been actively involved with the Widening Participation projects on different platforms.
- As a Widening Participation Tutor at the University of Sussex, she co-designed and co-delivered a programme of seminars and workshops for the ‘Making Choices’ events to Years 7-11 students from partner schools.
- She designed and delivered ‘Introduction to International Human Rights Law’ workshop to Year 11 students from partner schools.
- As a Doctoral Tutor in the Scholars Program (TSP) at the Brilliant Club, she designing the course ‘What Happens When Human Rights Compete? Perspectives from International and UK Law’ and delivered it to Key Stage 4 students in London.
- Guney, G. (2020) The Group of Experts under the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and the ECtHR: Complementary or Contradictory Tools?' (EJIL:Talk!)
- Guney, G. (2020) The Istanbul Convention and Its Standalone Right to be Free from Violence: Feminising the Subject of Rights? (LaPSe of Reason Blogging from the School for Law, Politics and Sociology at the University of Sussex)
- Guney, G. (2020-forthcoming) Istanbul Convention: A Genuine Confirmation of the Structural Nature of Domestic Violence against Women within Human Rights Law Framework?’ in (eds) Stephanie Kewley and Charlotte Barlow, Preventing Sexual Violence (The Policy Press, University of Bristol)
- Guney, G. (2019) The Istanbul Convention: a radical feminist instrument? Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Sussex.
Conference Papers
- Guney, G. (Oct 2019) The Istanbul Convention: Intersectional Enough?, Gender Studies 2019 Conference on Violence, University of Helsinki.
- Guney, G. (Sep 2019) The Question of Difference among Women: The Istanbul Convention and Domestic Violence, International Conference on Gender Studies: Gender (Non)Conformity, University of Oxford.
- Guney, G. (June 2019) A Ray for Hope towards the Elimination of Domestic Violence? : The Istanbul Convention and Turkey, Postgraduate Legal Research Conference, Queen Mary University of London.
- Guney, G. (May 2019) Criminal vs Civil Measures in Addressing Domestic Violence: An Analysis of the Istanbul Convention and Turkey, Crime Research Centre PhD Symposium, University of Sussex.
- Guney, G. (June 2017) From a Personal Pathological Disorder to a Human Rights Violation: The Istanbul Convention and Its Approach Towards Domestic Violence Against Women, Postgraduate Legal Research Conference, Queen Mary University of London.
- Guney, G. (March 2017) The Istanbul Convention: To What Extent Does It Constitute a Feminist Instrument in the Struggle with Violence against Women?, Conference on the Global Status of Women and Girls, Christopher Newport University, Virginia USA.
- Guney, G. (Aug 2016) The Istanbul Convention: A Promising Tool for the Elimination of Domestic Violence against Women?, Preventing Sexual Violence Conference, Birmingham City University.
Administrative Roles
- Organiser, 'Towards Gender Equality: Clashes in Law Conference' (with David Davies and Po-Han Lee), School of Law, Politics and Sociology, University of Sussex. [sponsered by Sussex Doctoral School Researcher-Led Initiative Fund] (June 2018).
- PhD Representative, Sussex Centre of Human Rights Research (SCHRR), School of Law, Politics and Sociology, University of Sussex (2017-2018).
- Postgraduate Events Administrator, Middle East and North Africa Centre at Sussex (MENACS), University of Sussex (2016-2017).