Research Placement Exchange Programme
Y2 and Y3 Research Placement students are eligible to apply for our exchange programme with Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Tsinghua is a research university which is ranked as one of the top institutions in mainland China. This is a fantastic opportunity to broaden your experiences, both culturally and academically.
Up to two students can be selected to spend their 8 week summer placement working in China having chosen from a number of available projects. You will still receive funding from the department at the standard rate of £250 per week. In addition the department will pay for the cost of your return flights up to the value of £1,000 (subject to funding).
If you are interested you should first speak to Prof Xavier Calmet to discuss further details.
"To be honest, I had been afraid of coming to the UK before I got there. The fact is that I speak really poor English, have never gone to another country and know almost nothing about the culture and customs in Britain. The only thing I know about the British is that they are all very friendly and kind. It was hard to make up my mind to take part in the summer project. Having hesitated for a few days, I told myself that I need to have a try, no matter what will happen. I didn't know what was waiting for me but I believed the kindly British would help me to solve any problems in my life and study.
It turned out to be a really nice journey. I would like to tell my story from the very first day I arrived in the UK. The customs officer gave me a nice first impression. We exchanged a few words while he was checking my passport and when I was leaving he said, "Have a nice trip." His clear English gave me confidence in living in the UK. It was hard to get to campus from Heathrow airport. Of course I had checked the route before arriving but it seemed useless because I almost didn't see where to find the station and how to buy a ticket - they are all different from in China. Finally, with the help of a ticket officer, a passer-by and a bus driver, I managed to get to campus with the other friend, Yue Ma. The first day in the UK made me feel fresh and comfortable.
The second day is also the start of my study life in Sussex. Naomi is such a friendly staff member that made me feel at home. She helped us two (me and Yue Ma) arrange everything in the school. I always remember the words she said to us two when we were chatting on the way, "You speak good English". This gave me much confidence in studying and working together with others. My supervisor, Fabrizio is a kind and friendly man. He gave me an introduction to all the other members in the group and told me, "Don't be shy". I'm often afraid of talking with others, especially here in a foreign country but his words made me feel better. I tried to make myself confident and forced myself to speak with others. Soon I found it easy and happy to work together with the team.
When talking about work I have to thank another man, Thomas. He has been my best friend in the lab and the UK. Before I started work, I knew nothing about Linux and little about C++ so Thomas was always there to help me with it. Here I would have to emphasize my poor English which made it difficult for us to communicate with each other. I couldn't always describe myself clearly or understand what Thomas said. I felt so disappointed and sorry but Thomas was always so patient to explain everything. He helped me not only with my work but also with my life. He introduced me to some beautiful sceneries in the UK, gave me some suggestions for the weekend, taught me how to use English and so on. Sometimes I felt we were more like brothers.Others in lab are also so kind that it made me feel comfortable.Harry also helped me with Linux, Nicky was always laughing and another man was always working though I don't know his name. I love everyone in the lab.
Of course I have done something else except for work! I tasted some delicious food, such as fish and chips and Burger Brothers. I also went to some famous places, such as Big Ben, London Bridge and The London Eye as well as some other cities like Birmingham, Cambridge and Arundel.
Five weeks is really a short time but I have learned so much. I learned how to use Linux and C++, how to live and work with others, how to adapt to a new environment and especially I experienced life in a foreign country (this is really interesting and challenging for a student who has never been abroad). Time goes fast, I was so unwilling when it was time to leave but of course I must.
Finally I want to say, I love Sussex, I love everyone there!"
- Jiyue Liang, (Tsinghua University)
RP Exchange - Yue Ma
"It was really a wonderful experience to do research at Sussex this summer. Beautiful buildings, splendid rooms, large computers. I acknowledge I have never had such an environment before. To my surprise, there are even two kitchens in the building! The project itself is very exciting and creative, it is something I have never thought about before. Every result is new to me, I enjoyed working at it so much. I hope I can have another chance to do research at Sussex again!"
- Yue Ma, (Tsinghua University)
"For me this research exchange programme has been a very positive experience. Ma Yue has fitted in extremely well and has done some really excellent research. I think there is a good chance that her research over the summer will become part of a published paper with collaborators in Prague, which is great progress over 8 weeks! She also has enjoyed exploring the area with trips to London museums, Stonehenge and the Harry Potter studios."
- Dr Jacob Dunningham, (University of Sussex, Physics & Astronomy)