Mx Mark Mirmelstein
Post: | School Tutor (Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy) |
Location: | PEVENSEY 3 4C3 |
Email: | M.Mirmelstein@sussex.ac.uk |
CV (last update: August 2018)
Hello and thank you for visiting my profile!
I am a PhD candidate at the University of Sussex, working with Prof Antony Lewis and Dr Julien Carron on CMB cosmology. At the moment I am working on constructing an optimal lensing reconstruction pipeline for the Simons Observatory and generally future CMB experiments. The slides from my recent talk about this project can be found here.
Previously, I worked on analysing Planck data to detect the signature the Rayleigh scattering of the CMB left on it shortly after the recombination era.
Last year I gave a talk about these projects, slides can be found here. I also gave a popular talk about CMB cosmology and my work in the Simons Observatory collaboration in the 1st International Day of LGBTQ+ People in STEM, the slides from this talk are available here.
I obtained my MSc in Physics at Tel Aviv University. I was working with Prof Yoel Rephaeli and Dr Meir Shimon on the detection of CMB polarization from galaxy clusters through the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. Slides from my thesis talk at Tel Aviv University's Astro Seminar can be found here. Our paper on the subject can be found here. Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss this.
My BSc in Physics was also obtained at Tel Aviv University. For my Final Year Project I gave a 20-minutes talk about Gravitational Waves (pre-detection, so not up-to-date). During the last year of my BSc I worked with Dr Or Graur on high-redshift supernovae detection. I spent long hours looking for (transplanted and real) Supernovae in Hubble Deep Space images using DS9/matlab/python to assess detection rates. I slightly contributed to his article on that topic.
My pronouns: they/them/theirs
- PhD candidate at the Astronomy Centre, working on CMB cosmology
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Doctoral Tutor
- One of the three organizer of the South Coast Cosmology meetings
- 2016-present: PhD in Astronomy, University of Sussex, UK
- 2013-2016: MSc in Physics, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- 2009-2013: BSc in Physics, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Music; Books; Outreach; Kepler; The Queer Alternative; The Real Junk Food Project Brighton; OLIO.