School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Our research in REF 2021

We're delighted with our performance in the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF 2021). 

The School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences made submissions to two Units of Assessment (discipline areas). Each received a different set of grades:

Our Department of Physics and Astronomy’s research (as submitted to UoA 9 - Physics) was assessed overall to be 42% ‘world leading’ (4*) and 52% ‘internationally excellent’ (3*).

The research performed in the Department of Mathematics (as submitted to UoA10-Mathematics) was assessed overall to be 35% world leading (4*) and 60% internationally excellent (3*).

Across the University of Sussex as a whole, 89 per cent of research activity submitted to REF 2021 was categorised as either ‘world-leading’ (40.6 per cent) or ‘internationally excellent’ (48.4 per cent).

The results of REF 2021 were published on 12 May 2022.

See all REF results and read the stories behind the research we submitted.

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Brighton BN1 9QH
01273 873133

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  For Physics & Astronomy