Emiritus Professor
Current Research Interests
- Citizenship, gender and civil society
- Migration in relation to notions of 'home' and belonging
- Nation and identity
- Religion, gender, politics
Barbara has supervised doctoral research on:
- Gender, Law and Public Policy in Post-Authoritarian Regimes: The Cases of Chile and Brazil
- Gender Politics in Trouble: Successes and Failures in the Implementation of Global Feminist Politics in Local Women's Activism in South Korea, 1980s and 1990s
- Lone Motherhood, Social Policy and Women's Citizenship: Women and the Welfare State in South Korea
She welcomes applications in a wide range of comparative and inter-disciplinary gender research areas.
Current DPhil Students' Thesis Topics
- Democratic Theory and Citizenship Practice: Can Democracy Facilitate Gender Equitable Citizenship? A Case Study of Korea
- Expatriate Women's Relationships with Domestic Workers in Singapore
- Gender, Migration, and Social Change: The Return of Filipino Migrant Women Workers
- Intersex: Facing 'Reality' as an XY-Female
- Love, Gender and Power: Intimacy in the Life Trajectories of Lone Mothers
- Nationalism and Masculinity in the Context of Cyprus
Patriarchy and Honour Based Violence: A Case Study of Honour Killings in Turkey