School Tutor
Selected publications
Dawar, Kamala (2022) The EU 2022 international procurement regulation enters in to force reciprocity. Journal of World Trade, 57. ISSN 1011-6702 (Accepted)
Dawar, Kamala (2022) Book review: Ming Du, The Regulation of Product Standards in World Trade Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020. Journal of World Investment & Trade, 23 (3). pp. 477-481. ISSN 1660-7112
Dawar, Kamala (2020) Using official export support in a crisis. Great Insights, 9 (2). pp. 37-40. ISSN 2215-0593
Dawar, Kamala (2020) Official export credit support: competition and compliance issues. Journal of World Trade, 54 (3). pp. 373-395. ISSN 1011-6702
Dawar, Kamala and Lipimile, George (2020) Africa: harmonising competition policy under the AfCFTA. Concurrences Review, 2020 (2). a93472 242-250. ISSN 1773-9578
Dawar, Kamala (2020) Regulating under the radar: EU official export credit support. VoxEU CEPR Policy Portal.
Beaulieu, Eugene, Dawar, Kamala and Garner-Knapp, Lindsey (2019) Canada-U.K. free trade: balancing progressive trade policies and economic benefits. School of Public Policy Briefing Paper, 12 (43). pp. 1-30. ISSN 2560-8312
Tas, Bedri Kamil Onur, Dawar, Kamala, Holmes, Peter and Togan, Sübidey (2018) Does the WTO government procurement agreement deliver what it promises? World Trade Review. ISSN 1474-7456
Dawar, Kamala, Hartwell, Christopher and Togan, Subidey (2018) Reforming and renegotiating the EU-Turkey customs union. Turkish Political Quarterly, 17 (1).
Dawar, Kamala (2018) Legal issues of economic disintegration: government procurement and BREXIT. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 45 (2). pp. 121-139. ISSN 1566-6573
Dawar, Kamala and Ndlovu, Ndabazabo (2018) A comparative assessment of competition in Africa: identifying drivers of reform in Botswana, Ethiopia, and Nigeria. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 6 (1). pp. 150-172. ISSN 2050-0688
Dawar, Kamala and Ndaba, Ndluvo (2017) Competition policy and law enforcement in Botswana, Nigeria and Ethiopia: identifying drivers for reform. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 5 (2). pp. 161-162. ISSN 2050-0688
Holmes, Peter, Rollo, Jim, Dawar, Kamala and Mathis, James H (2016) Qualified market access: an economic, empirical and legal analysis. Journal of International Trade, 1 (1). pp. 47-71.
Dawar, Kamala (2016) The 2016 EU International Procurement Instrument’s amendments to the 2012 buy European proposal: a retrospective assessment of its prospects. Journal of World Trade, 50 (5). pp. 845-865. ISSN 1011-6702
Dawar, Kamala (2016) Transcending mercantilism: identifying the positive externalities from international public procurement agreements. Public Procurement Law Review, 25 (5). 181 -196. ISSN 0963-8245
Holmes, Peter and Dawar, Kamala (2016) The TTIP trade deal is lost at sea. The Conversation. ISSN 2201-5639
Dawar, Kamala (2016) Government procurement in the WTO: a case for greater integration. World Trade Review, 15 (4). pp. 645-670. ISSN 1474-7456
Dawar, Kamala and Ronen, Eyal (2016) How necessary? A comparison of legal and economic assessments under GATT dispute settlements, article XX(b), TBT 2.2 & SPS 5.6. Trade Law and Development, 8 (1). pp. 1-28. ISSN 0976-2329
Dawar, Kamala (2015) The WTO Government Procurement Agreement: the most favoured nation principle, the GATS and regionalism. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 42 (3). pp. 257-280. ISSN 1566-6573
Herzog, Lisa, Walton, Andrew, Dawar, Kamala, James, Aaron, Nilsson, Lars, Portela, Clara, Risse, Mathias and Winters, L Alan (2014) Qualified market access and inter-disciplinarity. Ethics and Global Politics, 7 (2). pp. 83-94. ISSN 1654-4951
Dawar, Kamala (2012) The proposed 'buy European' procurement regulation: an analysis. Débâcle: The 11th GTA report on protectionism, 11. pp. 89-97.
Dawar, Kamala (2010) Assessing labour and environment provisions in regional trade agreements. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 37 (4). pp. 339-373. ISSN 1566-6573
Dawar, Kamala (2008) Policy space vs. policy lock-in: public procurement in the Cariforum EPA. Trade Negotiation Insights, 7 (7). ISSN 1682-6744
Dawar, Kamala (2006) Global governance and its implications for consumers. Consumer Policy Review, 16 (1). ISSN 0961-1134
Dawar, Kamala, Shakur, T, Hindley, M and French, M (2003) Global built-environment with a human face: the mismatch between international economic systems and the goals of sustainable development. Global Built Environment Review, 2 (3). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1474-6824
Dawar, Kamala and Hindley, Michael (2002) Implications of the Doha WTO Ministerial meeting for developing countries’ capacity building, trade, and environmental negotiations. Global Business and Economics Review (GBER). ISSN 1097-4954
Dawar, Kamala (2017) The legality of bailouts and buy nationals: international trade law in a crisis. Hart Studies in Competition Law . Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781509908240
Book Section
Dawar, Kamala and Lipimile, George (2021) Harmonisation and integration in Africa - the case of competition law and policy. In: Amao, Femi, Olivier, Michèle and Magliveras, Konstantinos (eds.) The Emergent African Union Law: Conceptualization, Delimitation, and Application. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 65-86. ISBN 9780191894848
Dawar, Kamala (2017) The government procurement agreement, the most-favored-nation principle, and regional trade agreements. In: Georgopulos, Aris C, Hoekman, Bernard and Mavroidis, Petros C (eds.) The internationalization of government procurement regulation. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198796749
Dawar, Kamala and Skalova, Monika (2016) The evolution of EU public procurement rules and its interface with WTO: SME promotion and policy space. In: Sanchez Graells, Albert and Skovgaard Ølykke, Grith (eds.) Reformation or deformation of the EU Public Procurement Rules. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 59-79. ISBN 9781785361807
Dawar, Kamala and Holmes, Peter (2012) Trade and competition policy. In: Heydon, Kenneth and Woolcock, Steven (eds.) The Ashgate Research Companion to International Trade Policy. Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey.
Dawar, Kamala and Holmes, Peter (2011) Competition policy. In: Chauffour, Jean-Pierre and Maur, Jean-Christophe (eds.) Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development: A Handbook. World Bank, Washington DC, US, pp. 347-366. ISBN 9780821386439
Dawar, Kamala and Evenett, Simon J (2011) Government procurement. In: Chaufaur, Jean-Pierre and Maur, Jean-Christophe (eds.) Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development: A Handbook. World Bank, Washington DC, US, pp. 367-386. ISBN 9780821386439
Dawar, Kamala and Chakravarthy, S (2011) India’s possible accession to the agreement on government procurement: what are the pros and cons? In: Anderson, Robert and Arrowsmith, Sue (eds.) The WTO regime on government procurement: challenge and reform. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 117-140. ISBN 9781107006645
Dawar, Kamala and Evenett, Simon (2011) A case study of regionalism: the EC–CARIFORUM Economic Partnership. In: Anderson, Robert D and Arrowsmith, Sue (eds.) The wto regime on government procurement: challenge and reform. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 657-679. ISBN 9781107006645
Dawar, Kamala and Holmes, Peter (2009) Negotiation or litigation? : the curiously evolving governance of the WTO. In: Yueh, Linda (ed.) The Law and Economics of Globalisation : New Challenges for a World in Flux. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 93-117. ISBN 9781845421953
Dawar, Kamala and Mathis, James H (2008) Is there potential for competition in the ECOWAS? In: Lipimile, George and Ququaya, Hassan (eds.) The effects of anti-competitive business practices on developing countries and their development prospects. UNCTAD, Geneva, pp. 365-405.
Dawar, Kamala (2008) Product standards, competitiveness and development. In: Lipimile, George and Ququaya, Hassan (eds.) The effects of anti-competitive business practices on developing countries and their development prospects. UNCTAD, Geneva, pp. 331-356.
Dawar, Kamala and Mathis, James H (2007) Consumer protection, competition and RTAs: some lessons for developing countries. In: Brusick, P, Alvarez, A and Cernat, L (eds.) Competition Provisions In Regional Trading Arrangements: How to Assure Development Gains. UNCTAD, Geneva, pp. 213-252.
Dawar, Kamala (2007) Establishing consumers as equivalent players in competition policy. In: Cook, Paul, Fabella, Raul and Lee, Casey (eds.) Competition Policy.Competitive Advantage and Competition Policy in Developing Countries,. Edward Elgar, Herndon, USA. ISBN 9781845426279
Dawar, Kamala Public procurement reform in the Caribbean, trade and common markets. In: Public procurement in the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC. (Accepted)
Conference or Workshop Item
Dawar, Kamala (2010) Disconnection clauses: an inevitable symptom of regionalism? In: Society for International Economic Law Biennial Conference, 8th - 10th July 2010, University of Barcelona.
Reports and working papers
Dawar, Kamala and Ronen, Eyal (2022) Industrial policy and international competition: trade and investment perspectives. Other. World Economic Forum, Geneva.
Dawar, Kamala (2021) A guide to include gender in investment agreements. Technical Report. UK Aid, London.
Dawar, Kamala (2019) Happy centennial birthday UKEF: fit for the future? Discussion Paper. UKTPO, Sussex.
Dawar, Kamala, Beaulieu, Eugene and Garner-Knapp, Lindsey (2019) Canada-UK free trade: balancing progressive trade policies and economic benefits. Working Paper. University of Calgary.
Dawar, Kamala, Haider, Ailia and Green, Adam (2019) Climate change and trade agreements: friends or foes? Technical Report. Economist Intelligence Unit, London.
Dawar, Kamala (2018) Protectionism and international diplomacy. Technical Report. European Parliament, Brussels.
Dawar, Kamala (2017) Openness of public procurement markets in key third countries. Technical Report. European Parliament.
Dawar, Kamala (2017) Brexit and government procurement. Technical Report. UKTPO, Sussex.
Dawar, Kamala and Oh, Seung Chul (2017) The role of public procurement policy in driving industrial development. Technical Report. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna, Austria.
Dawar, Kamala (2016) Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) in support of an investment protection agreement between the European Union and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Technical Report. European Commission / Development Solutions, Brussels.
Rollo, Jim, Borchert, Ingo, Dawar, Kamala, Holmes, Peter and Winters, L. Alan (2016) The World Trade Organisation: a safety net for a post-brexit UK trade policy? Discussion Paper. University of Sussex.
Dawar, Kamala and Sübidey, Togan (2016) Bringing EU-Turkey trade and investment relations up to date? Technical Report. European Parliament Policy Department, Brussels.
Dawar, Kamala, brenton, james and Kuntze, Jan Christophe (2011) Issues and tensions in public procurement of ‘green innovation’: a cross-country study. Working Paper. Centre Trade Economic Integration, Graduate Institute, Geneva, Geneva.
Gasiorek, Michael, Holmes, Peter, Dawar, Kamala, Wang, ZhenKun and Rollo, Jim (2010) Mid-term evaluation of the EU’s generalised system of preferences. Technical Report. The European Commission DG Trade, Brussels, Belgium.
Dawar, Kamala and Evenett, Simon J (2008) The cariforum Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and beyond. Technical Report. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Germany.
Bourgeois, Jacques, Dawar, Kamala and Evenett, Simon J (2007) A comparative analysis of selected provisions in free trade agreements. Technical Report. The European Commission, Brussels.
Dawar, Kamala (2003) Consumers and multilateral competition frameworks. Discussion Paper. Consumers International, London.
Dawar, Kamala Best practice guidelines for promoting MSMEs in public procurement markets. Project Report. European Union, Brussels. (Accepted)
Dawar, Kamala Evaluation report: Ethiopian unfair business practices law. Project Report. UNCTAD, Geneva. (Accepted)
Dawar, Kamala Public procurement and manufacturing diversification in Oman. Technical Report. UNIDO, UNIDO Vienna, Austria. (Accepted)