We are currently developing methods involving a variety of transition metals to serve our strategies for the synthesis of complex natural products with interesting biological properties. Our energy is focussed on extending the efficiency and reliability of our synthetic procedures. By furthering the understanding and predictability of chemical processes, we wish to elegantly elaborate new routes to building organic molecules.
Targets of interests include polyoxygenated antibiotics, terpenes, alkaloids, metal complexes, etc. that exhibit anti-cancer and antibiotic properties.
Research Interests:
- Heterocyclic Chemistry (rapid synthesis and functionalisation of N and O-containing heterocycles)
- Transition-Metal Catalysis: Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Ru, Ir, Mn.
- Ligand Design: novel synthesis of P-Chiral phosphines
- Synthetic Chemistry and Drug Design: polyketides, alkaloids (oncology, antibiotics)
- Cycloisomerisations
- Cascade Reactions: Multicomponent and Intramolecular Variants - access to complex polycyclic backbones
- Transient Carbenoid Chemistry
- Organometallic Chemistry
- Organocatalysis
- Suflur Chemistry: Hypervalent Sulfuranes as Tools for Chirality Transfer
- Molecular Modelling and Transition Metals