Virus lecture
Brighton Science Festival
2013. The Sinclair lab and other from the Biochemistry subject group from the University of Sussex contributed some performance art to a Public Engagement with Science event focused on "DNA". The aims were to explain why the same set of genes are present in every cell in the body - but the cells look different and have different functions eg comparing lymphocytes that fight infections to neurones that transmit information.
Prof Sinclair and Dr Kirsty Flower (imperial College, London) presented a short talk on DNA and the structure of chromatin while the rest of the group aided volunteers from the audience to become histones and chromatin-associated proteins to "wrap-up" the DNA in accessible and inaccessible forms.
2014 and 2015. The Sinclair lab and others from the Biochemistry subject group from the University of Sussex - “DNA detectives” - developed 2 hands-on experiments to take to the "Bright-Sparks" weekend of the Brighton Science festival aimed at 8-14 year olds. Groups of 10 visitors at a time used complementary shapes to translate the DNA code into proteins using a 3m long mRNA and 20 tRNAs charged with amino acids. They then learned that some proteins catalyze reactions and undertook an enzyme assay using spectrophotometers.
2014 Prof Sinclair also gave a presentation to the Brighton Sunday Assembly about her experiences engaging with the public about science.
2015 Several of the DNA detectives became STEM Ambassadors and presented at the South East England Big Bang STEM festival in Ardingly.
2016 Prof Sinclair delivered her Professorial public lecture at University of Sussex.
see video