DoPI online database:
The Database of Pollinator Interactions (DoPI) documents British pollinator-plant associations.
It is a searchable online repository with over 320K interactions curated from the scientific literature, and the first one in the world. DoPI's development was led by Dr Nick Balfour, in collaboration with Maria Clara Castellanos, Dave Goulson, Andrew Philippides and Chris Johnson.
From 2025, DoPI will become a Europe-wise pollination database as part of the new BUTTERFLY Horizon project.
Articles and book chapters:
Romero-Bravo, A. & M.C. Castellanos. 2024. Nectar and floral morphology differ in evolutionary potential in novel pollination environments. New Phytologist 243: 753-764.
Ramos-Muñoz, M., M.C. Castellanos, M. Blanco-Sánchez, B. Pías, J.A. Ramírez-Valiente, R. Benavides, A. Escudero & S. Matesanz. 2024. Drivers of phenotypic variation and plasticity to drought in populations of a Mediterranean shrub along an environmental gradient. Environmental and Experimental Botany, p.106011.
Castellanos, M.C., J. Montero-Pau, P. Ziarsolo, J.M. Blanca, J. Cañizares & J.G. Pausas. 2023. Quantitative genetic analysis of floral traits shows current limits but potential evolution in the wild. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20230141.
Balfour, N.J., M. C. Castellanos, D. Goulson, A. Philippides & C. Johnson. 2022. DoPI: The Database of Pollinator Interactions. Ecology 103: e3801.
- Access the interactive dataset by clicking on the DoPI logo at the top of this page
- Click here for the PDF explaining the database
Santangelo, J. S. et al. (287 authors). 2022. Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover. Science 375: 1275-1281.
García, Y., M.C. Castellanos & J.G. Pausas.2022. Wildfires change plant scents but not pollinator attraction in a Mediterranean palm. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2022.09.06.506788
Mackin, C.R., D. Goulson & M.C. Castellanos. 2021. Novel nectar robbing negatively affects reproduction in Digitalis purpurea. Ecology and Evolution 11: 13455-13463.
Mackin, C.R., J.F. Peña, M.A. Blanco, N.J. Balfour & M.C. Castellanos. 2021. Rapid evolution of a floral trait following acquisition of novel pollinators. Journal of Ecology 109: 2234– 2246.
- Read about this study in The Conversation UK
- Media coverage: British Ecological Society press release / Highlight in Nature / Article in the Irish Times / National press here and here
Castellanos, M.C., J. Montero-Pau, P. Ziarsolo, J.M. Blanca, J. Cañizares & J.G. Pausas. 2021. A stable pollination environment limits current but not potential evolution of floral traits. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/581827
García, Y., Castellanos, M.C. & Pausas, J.G. 2018. Differential pollinator response underlies plant reproductive resilience after fires. Annals of Botany 122: 961-971.
- Blog about our fire & interactions work: Plant-animal interactions deal with wildfires in unexpected ways
Balfour, N., J. Ollerton, M.C.Castellanos, F. Ratnieks. 2018. British phenological records indicate high diversity and extinction rate among late-summer-flying pollinators. Biological Conservation 222: 278-283.
García-Fayos, P., M.C. Castellanos & J.G. Segarra-Moragues. 2018. Seed germination and seedling allogamy in Rosmarinus officinalis: the costs of inbreeding. Plant Biology 20: 627-635.
Garrido J.L., J.M. Alcántara, P.J. Rey; M. Medrano, J.A. Guitián, M.C. Castellanos, J.M. Bastida, R. Jaime & C.M. Herrera. 2017. Geographic genetic structure of Iberian columbines (Gen. Aquilegia). Plant Systematics and Evolution 303: 1145–1160.
García, Y., M.C. Castellanos & J.G. Pausas. 2016. Fires can benefit plants by disrupting antagonistic interactions. Oecologia, 182:1165–1173.
Segarra-Moragues, J.G., Y. Carrión Marco, M.C. Castellanos, M.J. Molina & P. García-Fayos. 2016. Ecological and historical determinants of population genetic structure and diversity in the Mediterranean shrub Rosmarinus officinalis (Lamiaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 180: 50-63.
Castellanos, M.C., S.C. González-Martínez & J.G. Pausas. 2015. Field heritability of a plant adaptation to fire in heterogeneous landscapes. Molecular Ecology 24(22): 5633–5642.
Zung J.L., J.R.K. Forrest, M.C. Castellanos & J.D.Thomson. 2015. Bee- to bird-pollination shifts in Penstemon: effects of floral-lip removal and corolla constriction on the preferences of free-foraging bumble bees. Evolutionary Ecology 29: 341-354.
Castellanos, M.C, S. Donat-Caerols, S.C. González-Martínez & M. Verdú. 2014. Can facilitation influence the spatial genetics of the beneficiary plant population? Journal of Ecology 102: 1214-1221.
Moreira, B., M.C. Castellanos & J.G. Pausas. 2014. Genetic component of flammability variation in a Mediterranean shrub. Molecular Ecology 23(5): 1213-1223.
Castellanos, M.C. & M. Verdú. 2012. Meta-analysis of meta-analyses in plant evolutionary ecology. Evolutionary Ecology 26: 1187-1196.
Stevenson, P.R. M.C. Castellanos & J. Agudelo. 2012. Patterns of plant species richness within families and genera in lowland neotropical forests: are similarities related to ecological factors or to chance? En: P. Sudarshana, M. Nageswara-Rao & J.R. Soneji (eds.), Tropical Forests. InTech.
Castellanos, M.C., J.M. Alcántara, P.J. Rey & J.M. Bastida. 2011. Intra-population comparison of vegetative and floral trait heritabilities estimated from molecular markers in wild Aquilegia populations. Molecular Ecology 20: 3513-3524.
- Perspective by K. Ritland: Evolutionary potential in the wild: more than meets the eye. Mol Ecol 20: 3494-3495.
Castellanos, M.C. & P.R. Stevenson. 2011. Phenology, seed dispersal and difficulties in natural recruitment of the canopy tree Pachira quinata (Malvaceae). Revista de Biología Tropical 59(2): 921-933.
Castellanos, M.C., M. Medrano & C.M. Herrera. 2008. Subindividual variation and genetic versus environmental effects on seed traits in a European Aquilegia. Botany (Canadian Journal of Botany) 86: 1125-1132.
Stevenson, P.R., M.C. Castellanos, Cortés, A. & Link, A. 2008. Flowering patterns in a seasonal tropical lowland forest in Western Amazonia. Biotropica 40(5): 559-567.
Canto, A., R. Pérez, M. Medrano, M. C. Castellanos & C. M. Herrera. 2007. Intraplant variation in nectar sugar composition in two Aquilegia species (Ranunculaceae): contrasting patterns under field and greenhouse conditions. Annals of Botany 99, 653-660.
Medrano, M., M.C. Castellanos & C.M. Herrera. 2006. Comparative floral and vegetative differentiation between two European Aquilegia taxa along a narrow contact zone. Plant Systematics and Evolution 262: 209-224.
Castellanos, M.C., P. Wilson, S.J. Keller, A.D. Wolfe & J.D. Thomson. 2006. Anther Evolution: Pollen Presentation Strategies when Pollinators Differ. American Naturalist 167(2): 288-296.
Wilson, P., M.C. Castellanos, J.D. Thomson & A. D. Wolfe. 2006. Shifts between bee- and bird-pollination among penstemons. En: N.M. Waser & J. Ollerton, eds., Plant-pollinator interactions: from specialization to generalization. Pp. 47-68. Chicago University Press.
Herrera, C.M., M.C. Castellanos & M. Medrano. 2006. The geographical context of floral evolution: the weakest link in the floral diversification research program. En: L.D. Harder & S.C.H. Barrett, eds. The Ecology and Evolution of Flowers. Pp. 278- 294. Oxford University Press.
Castellanos, M.C., P. Wilson & J.D. Thomson. 2004. ´Anti-bee´ and ´pro-bird´ changes during the evolution of hummingbird pollination in Penstemon flowers. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17(4): 876-885.
Wilson P., Castellanos M.C., Hogue J.N., Thomson J.D. & Armbruster W.S. 2004. A multivariate search for pollination syndromes among penstemons. Oikos 104(2): 345-361.
Castellanos, M.C., P. Wilson & J.D. Thomson. 2003. Pollen transfer by hummingbirds and bumblebees, and the divergence of pollination modes in Penstemon. Evolution 57(12): 2742-2752.
Castellanos, M.C., P. Wilson & J.D. Thomson. 2002. Dynamic nectar replenishment in flowers of Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae). American Journal of Botany 89(1): 111-118.
Stevenson, P.R., M.C. Castellanos, J.C. Pizarro & M. Garavito. 2002. Effects of seed dispersal by three Ateline monkey species on seed germination at Tinigua National Park, Colombia. International Journal of Primatology 23(6): 1187 -1204.
Stevenson, P.R. & M.C. Castellanos. 2000. Feeding rates and daily path range of Colombian Woolly Monkeys as evidence for between and within group competition. Folia Primatologica 71 (6): 399-408.
Castellanos, M.C., P.R. Stevenson & F. Escobar. 1999. Dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Sacrabaeinae) attracted to Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha Humboldt) dung at Tinigua National Park, Colombia. Coleopterist Bulletin 5(2): 155-159.
Stevenson, P., M.C. Castellanos & A.P. Medina. 1999. Elementos arbóreos de los bosques de un plano inundable en el Parque Nacional Natural Tinigua, Colombia. Caldasia 21(1): 38-49.
Book (field guide):
Stevenson, P.R., M.J. Quiñones & M.C. Castellanos. 2000. Guía de Frutos de los Bosques del Río Duda, La Macarena, Colombia. IUCN - Asociación para la Defensa de la Macarena. Bogotá.