School of Life Sciences

Resit and Sit information 2024

Information and Key Dates about the release of results, and when sits and resits will be scheduled.


Your results are due to be published on Sussex Direct on the following dates, for Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG):

  • UG Final year Semester 2 module and Degree Classification results - Wednesday 19 June 12:00
  • UG Progression years Semester 2 Module results published - Monday 8 July (8:00 stage 3,10:00 stage 2, 12:00 stages 0+1)
  • PG Semester 2 module results - Wednesday 17 July 14:00
  • UG A3 (Sits and Resits) results - Thursday 12 September 8:00
  • PG A3 (Sits and Resits) results published - Wednesday 16 October 

Exam sits and resits

The A3 Assessment Period will take place on and between Monday 12 August - Saturday 24 August 2024.

Details of the date and time of your exam assessment will appear on your Sussex Direct 'Assessment Deadlines & Exam Timetable' pages in late July.

Coursework sits and resits

Dates for submission will appear on your Sussex Direct assessment timetable.

Please check your assessment timetable on Sussex Direct for the correct resit submission point.

Please visit the Canvas module site to find the sit and resit questions for A3 2023-2024 (under Assessments and Feedback):


These will be available mid-July and the School Office will be in touch as a reminder. If you are trailing a module from the previous year, please contact the School Office if you require further information.

Submission points for Presentation/media  - if you are doing your presentation via Zoom, please contact your project supervisor/module convenor to arrange a mutually convenient date and time for this. Otherwise, please submit your slides and script via email to - please put the module code and the words 'presentation retake' in the subject of the email. Note the submission point will appear as ‘Ask Tutor’ on Sussex Direct.

For further information see the University's regulations or check our resit information on the Student Hub.

Email if you have any general enquiries that the above information and linked to pages have not been able to answer for you.