School of Life Sciences

Exams and Assessments

Assessment Criteria

CEX Essay - Assessment Criteria

Life Science Bioscience Third Year Research Project

Presentations via Media File - Assessment Criteria

Essays - Assessment Criteria

Practical Reports - Assessment Criteria

Observation - Assessment Criteria

Oral Examination (AMMR) - Assessment Criteria

Oral Presentations - Assessment Criteria

Portfolio - Assessment Criteria

Poster Presentation (Chemistry) - Assessment Criteria

Practical Assessments in Pharmacy PGT - Assessment Criteria

Problem Set - Assessment Criteria

Short Answers - Assessment Criteria

Software Exercise - Assessment Criteria

Test - Assessment Criteria

Postgraduate Taught Degrees - Assessment Criteria

Postgraduate Taught Degrees - Media Marking Criteria

Foundation Year Assessment Criteria

Within Year Retake Policy and Exceptional Circumstances

Within Year Retake Policy

There may be instances where a student either misses a deadline or fails a piece of coursework that was scheduled during the teaching semester. Resit opportunities are provided in the summer assessment periods. However, in some cases it will be possible to retrieve an assessment during the semester by applying for a ‘Within-Year Retake’, where the student is given a new assessment and submission date. Students should follow the steps below to apply for this opportunity.

  • For non-submission, students should apply immediately following the deadline (and within one week of the marks for the assessment being released to the rest of the cohort at the latest).
  • For a failed assessment, students must apply within one week of the marks for the assessment being released.

The decision as to whether a Within-Year Retake can be given will be based on the mode and timing of the assessment.

If a new submission opportunity is given, the mark will be capped at 40% in the same way as a resit in a Resit period. The mark may be uncapped where an Exceptional Circumstances claim is accepted against the submission.


  • A student either misses or fails coursework.
  • After the assessment deadline and up to a maximum of one week following marks release, they contact the Curriculum and Assessment Officer ( to apply for a within-year resit.
  • The CAO liaises with the module convenor who considers whether the mode of assessment is suitable for an alternative assessment to be given. They provide a suitable date for the assessment deadline, which will be within 4 weeks of marks being released to the main cohort.
  • Once a new assessment deadline is agreed, the CAO will advise the student of this date. There may be instances where a new opportunity cannot be granted due to either the mode or timing of assessment. Extensions and late submissions to within-year retrieval deadlines will NOT be permitted.
  • Students undertake and submit resit work by the specified date delivering it through the advised route of submission.

For more information, view the full policy.

Exceptional Circumstances

Please note that staff members are not allowed to give extensions to deadlines for submitted work. There is a University policy, whereby the student needs to apply for exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional circumstances can be submitted as a result of the following circumstances:

  • Late submission of assessment
  • Non-submission of assessment
  • Absence from an in-person assessment (examination or test)
  • Impaired performace in an assessment submitted on time and/or in-person assessment (examination) taken on scheduled date, where the asssessment performance is seriously and unexpectedly impaired
  • Forthcoming absence from in-person assessment, an anticipated non-submission or claim for late submission, where evidence in compelling.

For full details on the exceptional circumstances policy and procedure, visit this webpage and refer to the Exceptional Circumstances Handbook.

E-submission Error Policy

Read the guidance on e-submission error process.

Application form to replace an e-submission file.


 Visit the Skills Hub for referencing style guidance

Looking for more information?

Up-to-date guidance and information on the examination and assessment regulations which apply to all students at the University of Sussex is available on the Academic Office webpages


If you have any questions or queries, please contact your Academic Advisor in the first instance.