Mr David Streeter
Post: | Emeritus Reader (Ecology and Evolution) |
Location: | JMS BUILDING 5B22 |
Email: | D.T.Streeter@sussex.ac.uk |
Dean, School of Biological Sciences 1984-1989; Pro-Vice Chancellor 1989-1997
President Sussex Wildlife Trust, member of the Conservation Panel of the National Trust 1999-2011, Trustee Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, 1993-2016. Member: Countryside Commission 1978-1984; Advisory Committee for England, Nature Conservancy Council 1973-1980; General Advisory Council of the BBC 1975-1980; Historic Buildings and Land Panel of the Heritage Lottery Fund 1999-2005; Sussex Downs Conservation Board 1992-2006; Environmental Advisory Panel, National Grid plc 1995-2000; Council British Ecological Society 1974-1978; Council Botanical Society of British Isles 1983-1986, 1994-1999, Honorary Member 2014; Executive Field Studies Council 1973-1978, Vice-Patron 1996-; Council Royal Society for Nature Conservation 1963-1982; Christopher Cadbury Medal for Conservation 2018.
Emeritus Reader in Ecology