School of Life Sciences

Modules - current academic year

TitleCodeTerms taught
FHEQ Level 3 (sub-degree)
Applied Skills in BiologyFND07Autumn Semester
Applied Skills in ChemistryFND08Autumn Semester
Introductory BiologyFND05Autumn Semester
Introductory ChemistryFND03Autumn Semester
Evolution, Behaviour and EcologyFND09Spring Semester
Genetics & Population GeneticsFND10Spring Semester
Human Physiology & MetabolismFND11Spring Semester
Introduction to BiomedicineFND12Spring Semester
Organic ChemistryFND13Spring Semester
Physical ChemistryFND14Spring Semester
FHEQ Level 4
Cells, Organisms and SystemsC1009Autumn Semester
Chemistry Laboratory 1F1002Autumn Semester
Electrons in Atoms and MoleculesF1003Autumn Semester
Physiology and DiseaseC1102Autumn Semester
Skills, Ethics and SocietyC7161Autumn Semester
Transferrable Skills for ChemistsF1004Autumn Semester
Biochemistry and MetabolismC7411Spring Semester
Biodiversity & EcologyC1811Spring Semester
Cell and Molecular BiologyC7003Spring Semester
Chemistry for Life ScientistsF1706Spring Semester
Chemistry Laboratory 2F1005Spring Semester
Coastal Ecology Field CourseC7160Spring Semester
Neuroscience and BehaviourC1087Spring Semester
Physical Chem of Molecules & MaterialsF1701Spring Semester
Reactivity of Organic CompoundsF1601Spring Semester
Reactivity of the ElementsF1201Spring Semester
Research Methods for NeuroscienceC1147Spring Semester
Research Methods in Mol Gen and BiochemC7011Spring Semester
Res Methods for Biol, Ecol & ZoologyC1021Spring Semester
Chemistry Research Placement 1F1192Summer Vacation
FHEQ Level 5
Animal Behavioural EcologyC1020Autumn Semester
Atmospheres and InterfacesF1022Autumn Semester
Bonding and SpectroscopyF1177Autumn Semester
Cell Regulation and CancerC7108Autumn Semester
Co-ordination ChemistryF1083Autumn Semester
Conservation Biology IC1148Autumn Semester
Environmental Research Skills (E&C)C1150Autumn Semester
Genetics and GenomicsC7110Autumn Semester
Haematology and AnatomyC7138Autumn Semester
Introduction to Sustainable DevelopmentC1149Autumn Semester
Medical NeuroscienceC1129Autumn Semester
Organic Reaction MechanismsF1082Autumn Semester
Plant Physiology and EcologyC1027Autumn Semester
Principles of Neuronal Function and DysfC1016Autumn Semester
Structural Basis of Biological FunctionC7114Autumn Semester
Upland Ecology Field CourseC1079Autumn Semester
Professional Placement YearLSPP1Autumn & Spring Teaching
Clinical BiochemistryC7020Spring Semester
Combating DiseaseC7140Spring Semester
Comparative Animal Phys and MorphC7144Spring Semester
Computing for Life SciencesC7147Spring Semester
Conservation Biology IIC1151Spring Semester
Conservation Ecology Field CourseC7148Spring Semester
Developmental BiologyC1008Spring Semester
Evolutionary BiologyC1019Spring Semester
Experimental BiochemistryC1053Spring Semester
Intro to Organometallic ChemistryF1089Spring Semester
Med Ecol & Behav Field CourseC7142Spring Semester
Medical MicrobiologyC7137Spring Semester
Modern Methods in GeneticsC7151Spring Semester
Neural CircuitsC1098Spring Semester
Organic and Bioinorganic ChemistryF1128Spring Semester
Phases, Change and RatesF1046Spring Semester
Strategy in Organic SynthesisF1088Spring Semester
Techniques in NeuroscienceC1153Spring Semester
VirologyC7102Spring Semester
Biology Research Placement 2C7155Summer Vacation
Chemistry Research Placement 2F1193Summer Vacation
Life Sciences Research Placement 2C7158Summer Vacation
FHEQ Level 6
Animal-Plant InteractionsC1110Autumn Semester
Cell Signalling and TherapeuticsC7118Autumn Semester
Chemical PrinciplesF1174Autumn Semester
Chemistry p-Block and f-Block ElementsF1024Autumn Semester
Chem p-Block and f-Block El - E-LearningF1186Autumn Semester
Computational ChemistryF1047Autumn Semester
Coral Reef Ecology Field CourseC1155Autumn Semester
dummy chemistry module to be deleted latF1047DAutumn Semester
Immunology in Health and DiseaseC7121Autumn Semester
Instrumental AnalysisF1015Autumn Semester
Intelligence in Animals and MachinesC1118Autumn Semester
Introduction to Drug DesignF1031Autumn Semester
LifeSci Biosci 3rd Yr Research ProjectC7162Autumn Semester
Molecular GeneticsC7123Autumn Semester
Neuronal Transduction and TransmissionC1120Autumn Semester
Organometallic Chemistry and CatalysisF1001Autumn Semester
PalaeozoologyC7146Autumn Semester
Regulating Gene ExpressionC7132DAutumn Semester
Regulating Gene ExpressionC7132Autumn Semester
Structure & Function in the Human BrainC7143Autumn Semester
Tropical Rainforest Science Field tripC1141Autumn Semester
Biochemistry Industrial PlacementC7035Autumn & Spring Teaching
Chemistry Industrial ProjectF1181Autumn & Spring Teaching
Advanced Haematology & Transfusion Scien861C1Spring Semester
African Zoology Field CourseC7153Spring Semester
Applied Human Virology and BacteriologyC7163Spring Semester
Bio-organic ChemistryF1007Spring Semester
Chemistry Project (Year 3)F1176Spring Semester
Conflict & Cooperation in Social GroupsC1114Spring Semester
Conservation in PracticeC1113Spring Semester
Genome Stability, Gene Diseases & CancerC7129Spring Semester
Genome Stability, Genetic Disease and CaC7129DSpring Semester
Genomics and BioinformaticsC7120DSpring Semester
Genomics and BioinformaticsC7120Spring Semester
Innovation in Bioscience and MedicineC7117Spring Semester
Modern Inorganic MaterialsF1197Spring Semester
Molecular PharmacologyC7128DSpring Semester
Molecular PharmacologyC7128Spring Semester
Neurobiology of Brain DisordersC7122DSpring Semester
Neurobiology of Brain DisordersC7122Spring Semester
Protein Form and FunctionC7124Spring Semester
Sensory Function and ComputationC1157Spring Semester
Sensory Function and ComputationC1157DSpring Semester
Surface Analysis TechniquesF1191Spring Semester
Surface Analysis Techniques e-learnF1189Spring Semester
Synthetic Methods in Organic ChemistryF1173Spring Semester
Synthetic Methods in Org Chem - E LearnF1184Spring Semester
Tropical Rainforests:Biogeog and ConservF8013ASpring Semester
Biology Research Placement 3C7156Summer Vacation
Chemistry Research Placement 3F1194Summer Vacation
Life Sciences Research Placement 3C7159Summer Vacation
FHEQ Level 7 (Masters)
Advanced Methods in Molecular Research806C7Autumn Semester
Advanced Spectroscopy860C1Autumn Semester
Advanced Synthetic Methods855C1Autumn Semester
Advanced Techniques in Neuroscience821C1Autumn Semester
Basic & Advanced Conservation Biology 1853C1Autumn Semester
Chem of stable, unstable & non-exist com859C1Autumn Semester
Coral Reef Ecology Field Course (Master)851C1Autumn Semester
Current Topics in Evol, Behav & Cons836C1Autumn Semester
Foundations of Neuroscience 1C1054Autumn Semester
Fundamentals of Cancer Cell Biology817C8Autumn Semester
Imaging in Brain Diseases870C1Autumn Semester
Masters Tropical Rainforest Field Course834C1Autumn Semester
Palaeozoology (Level 7)841C1Autumn Semester
Practical Techniques in Cancer Cell Biol802C2DAutumn Semester
Practical Techniques in Cancer Cell Biol802C2Autumn Semester
Practical Techniques in Cell Mol Biology801C2DAutumn Semester
Practical Techniques in Cell Mol Biology801C2Autumn Semester
Research Foundations828C1Autumn Semester
Rewilding and Ecosystem Services833C1Autumn Semester
Rewilding and Ecosystem Services833C1DAutumn Semester
Scientific Scep and Critical Thinking868C1Autumn Semester
Skills for Research Bioscientists869C2Autumn Semester
Chemistry Advanced Project (MChem)F1140Autumn & Spring Teaching
Project (MSc Nanomaterials Chemistry)879C1All Year Teaching
Advanced Coordination & Main Group Chem857C1Spring Semester
Advanced Nanoscience & Molecular Structu858C1Spring Semester
Asymmetric Synthesis and Catalysis856C1Spring Semester
Basic & Advanced Conservation Biology 2854C1Spring Semester
Current Topics in Cancer Research822C2Spring Semester
Current Topics in Molecular Cell Biology822C3Spring Semester
Current Topics in Neuroscience822C1Spring Semester
Field Biology and Conservation Skills835C1Spring Semester
Foundations of Neuroscience 2852C1Spring Semester
Life Sciences Masters Research Proposal100C9Spring Semester
Life Sciences MSci research project805C7Spring Semester
Masters African Zoology Field Course837C1Spring Semester
Masters Med Ecol and Behav Field Course827C1Spring Semester
Life Sciences Master of Science Project804C7Spring & Summer Teaching
MSc Conservation Project838C1Spring & Summer Teaching
Neuroscience Research Project825C1Spring & Summer Teaching
Res Proj in Evol, Behav or Cons832C1Spring & Summer Teaching

Please note that the University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses and modules in accordance with the descriptions set out here. However, the University keeps its courses and modules under review with the aim of enhancing quality. Some changes may therefore be made to the form or content of courses or modules shown as part of the normal process of curriculum management.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the contents or methods of delivery of, or to discontinue, merge or combine modules, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the University. If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the University reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the University withdraws or discontinues a module, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative module.