
Selected publications

Green, JP, Cant, MA & Field, J (2014). Using social parasitism to test reproductive skew models in a primitively eusocial wasp. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 281, 20141206. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Leadbeater, E, Dapporto, L, Turillazzi, S. & Field, J (2014). Available kin recognition cues may explain why wasp behavior reflects relatedness to nest mates. Behavioral Ecology 25:344-351. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Thompson, F, Donaldson, L, Johnstone, RA, Field, J & Cant, MA (2014) Dominant aggression as a deterrent signal in paper wasps. Behavioral Ecology 25:706-715. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Donaldson, L, Thompson, F, Field, J & Cant, MA (2014). Do paper wasps negotiate over helping effort? Behavioral Ecology 25:88-94. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Lucas, ER & Field, J (2013). Caste determination through mating in primitively eusocial societies. Journal of Theoretical Biology 335:31-39. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Green, JP, Leadbeater, E, Carruthers, JM, Rosser, NS, Lucas, ER & Field, J (2013) Clypeal patterning in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus: no evidence of adaptive value in the wild. Behavioral Ecology 24:623-633 [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Johnstone, RA, Cant, MA & Field, J (2012). Sex-biased dispersal, haplodiploidy and the evolution of helping in social insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Field, J, Paxton, RJ, Soro, A, Craze, P & Bridge, C (2012). Body size, demography and foraging in a socially plastic sweat bee: a common garden experiment. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology  66:743-756. [DOWNLOAD PDF]

Green, JP & Field, J (2012). The role of climatic factors in the expression of an intrasexual signal of status in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus. Ethology 118:766-774. [DOWNLOAD PDF]

Leadbeater, E, Carruthers, JM, Green, JP, Rosser, NS & Field, J (2011). Nest inheritance is the missing source of direct fitness in a primitively eusocial insect. Science 333:874-876. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Zanette, L.R.S. & Field, J. (2011). Founders versus joiners: group formation in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus. Animal Behaviour  82:699-705. [DOWNLOAD PDF]

Lucas, ER, Martins, RP & Field, J (2011). Reproductive skew is highly variable and correlated with genetic relatedness in a social apoid wasp. Behavioral Ecology  22(2): 337-344. [DOWNLOAD PDF]

Lucas, ER & Field, J (2011). Assured fitness returns in a social wasp with no worker caste. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 278:2991-2995. [DOWNLOAD PDF]

Lucas, ER & Field, J (2011). Active and effective nest defence by males in a social apoid wasp. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 65:1499-1504. [DOWNLOAD PDF]

Green, JP & Field, J (2011). Assessment between species: information gathering in usurpation contests between a paper wasp and its social parasite. Animal Behaviour 81:1263-9. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Green, JP & Field, J (2011). Inter-population variation in status signalling in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus. Animal Behaviour 81:205-209. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Lucas, ER, Martins, RP, Zanette, LRS & Field, J (2011). Social and genetic structure in colonies of the social wasp Microstigmus nigrophthalmus. Insectes Sociaux 58:107-114. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Field, J, Paxton, RJ, Soro, A & Bridge, C (2010). Cryptic plasticity underlies a major evolutionary transition. Current Biology 20:2028-2031. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Leadbeater, E., Carruthers, JM, Green JP, van Heusden, J & Field, J. (2010). Unrelated helpers in a primitively eusocial wasp: is helping tailored towards direct fitness? PLoS ONE 5(8):e11997. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Zanette, L.R.S. & Field, J. (2009). Cues, concessions and inheritance: dominance hierarchies in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus. Behavioral Ecology 20:773-780. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Field, J. & Cant, M.A. (2009). Reproductive skew in primitively eusocial wasps: how useful are current models? In: Reproductive skew in vertebrates (eds. R Hager & CB Jones) Cambridge University Press. [DOWNLOAD Prepublication version]

Field, J. & Cant, M.A. (2009). Social stability and helping in small animal societies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B 364:3181-3189. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Shreeves, G.E. & Field, J. (2008). Parental care and sexual size dimorphism in wasps and bees. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 62:843-852. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Zanette, L.R.S. & Field, J. (2008). Genetic relatedness in early associations of Polistes dominulus: from related to unrelated helpers. Molecular Ecology 17: 2590-2597. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Field, J. (2008). The ecology and evolution of helping in hover wasps (Hymenoptera: Stenogastrinae). In: Ecology of social evolution (eds. J. Korb & J. Heinze). Springer: Berlin. [DOWNLOAD proofs]

Field, J., Turner, E., Fayle, T. & Foster, W.A. (2007) Costs of egg production and offspring provisioning: multifaceted parental investment in a digger wasp. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 274: 445-451. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Bridge, C. & Field, J. (2007). Queuing for dominance: gerontocracy and queue-jumping in the hover wasp Liostenogaster flavolineata. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 61:1253-1259. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Field, J., Cronin, A. & Bridge, C. (2006). Future fitness and helping in social queues. Nature 441: 214-217. [PODCAST] [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Cant, M.A., Llop, J.B. & Field, J.P. (2006). Individual variation in social aggression and the probability of inheritance: theory and a field test. American Naturalist 167: 837-852. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Cant, M.A., English, S., Reeve, H.K. & Field, J.P. (2006). Escalated conflict in a social hierarchy. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 273: 2977-2984. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Field, J. (2005). The evolution of progressive provisioning. Behavioral Ecology 16:770-778. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Cant, M.A. & Field, J.P. (2005). Helping effort in a dominance hierarchy. Behavioral Ecology 16:708-715. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Field, J. & Brace, S. (2004). Pre-social benefits of extended parental care. Nature 428: 650-652. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Shreeves, G.E., Cant, M.A., Bolton, A. & Field, J. (2003). Insurance-based advantages for subordinate co-foundresses in a temperate paper wasp Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 270:1617-1622. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Shreeves, G.E. & Field, J.P. (2002). Group size and direct fitness in social queues. American Naturalist 159: 81-95. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Cant, M.A. & Field, J.P. (2001). Helping effort and future fitness in cooperative animal societies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 268: 1959-1964. [DOWNLOAD pdf]

Field, J.P., Shreeves, G., Sumner, S. & Casiraghi, M. (2000). Insurance-based advantage to helpers in a tropical hover wasp. Nature 404:869-871. [DOWNLOAD pdf]



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