Arts buildings under construction (photo: Steve Musgrave (SOC 1963-66))
Falmer House under construction (photo: Steve Musgrave (SOC 1963-66))
Falmer House Oct 1962 (photo: Pauline Friend (EURO 1962-66))
Falmer House Oct 1962 (photo: Pauline Friend (EURO 1962-66))
Yves Fedida and Ray Harari standing in front of the European Studies Building (Arts A) before the lecture theatres were built (photo: Yves Fedida)
Coffee bar (photo: Steve Musgrave (SOC 1963-66))
Common room (photo: Steve Musgrave (SOC 1963-66))
Library interior (photo: Steve Musgrave (SOC 1963-66))
Refectory (photo: Steve Musgrave (SOC 1963-66))
Sussex campus from the air, Sept 1965 (taken from an aircraft flown by Nicholas Carter (SOC 1977-80) and sent to us by Stephen Carter (MAPS 1965-68), his brother, who was on the flight with him)
Sussex campus from the air, Sept 1965
Sussex campus from the air, Sept 1965
The Library, Spring 1967 (photo: Tom Herz)
Falmer House 1967 (photo: Tom Herz)
Henry Moore scuplture on campus, 1967 (photo: Tom Herz)
Science with Jimmy Hill
Not the flight deck of the USS Enterprise, but Dr Roger Doherty of the School of Applied Sciences overseeing the use of an Electron Probe microanalyser (probably) (info: Peter Mann)