School of Global Studies

Modules - current academic year

TitleCodeTerms taught
FHEQ Level 3 (sub-degree)
Local Lives: Identifying Global Studies0001FAutumn Semester
Global Issues: Researching the Global0002FSpring Semester
FHEQ Level 4
Introduction to International RelationsL2008Autumn Semester
Rise of the Modern International OrderL2007Autumn Semester
The International System TodayL2009Autumn Semester
Classical Thinkers and Current EventsL2014NSpring Semester
Local & Global: IR in PracticeL2066Spring Semester
Short Twentieth Century and BeyondL2005Spring Semester
FHEQ Level 5
Contemporary International TheoryL2015NAutumn Semester
Intro to International Political EconomyL2024Autumn Semester
War in International PoliticsL2138Autumn Semester
Security and InsecurityL2061NSpring Semester
The Politics of Foreign PolicyL2090Spring Semester
The Rise and Fall of NeoliberalismL2025Spring Semester
FHEQ Level 6
Capitalism and GeopoliticsL2062AAutumn Semester
Disease, Diplomacy and Development004RAAutumn Semester
Disease, Diplomacy and Development004RAIDAutumn Semester
East Asia Rising:L2074AIDAutumn Semester
East Asia Rising:L2074AAutumn Semester
Environment & Dev in World PoliticsL2073AAutumn Semester
Environment and Development in World PolL2073ADAutumn Semester
Finance and PowerL2069AIDAutumn Semester
Finance and PowerL2069AAutumn Semester
Palestine and the International019IRAAutumn Semester
Policing Racial Capitalism020IRAAutumn Semester
Policing Racial Capitalism020IRAIDAutumn Semester
Religions in Global PoliticsL2075AAutumn Semester
Religions in Global PoliticsL2075ADUDEAutumn Semester
Religions in Global PoliticsL2075ADUGYAutumn Semester
The Politics of Armed Groups014IRAutumn Semester
What is WarL2072AASAutumn Semester
What is WarL2072AAutumn Semester
BA Dissertation International Relations004IRAutumn & Spring Teaching
Colonialism and Modern Social Theory021IRSSpring Semester
Colonialism and Modern Social Theory021IRIDSpring Semester
From Bombs to Algorithms016IRSSpring Semester
Global Politics of Food011IRSSpring Semester
Global ResistanceL7090SSpring Semester
Humanitarianism in Theory and Practice018IRSSpring Semester
Humanitarianism in Theory and Practice018IRSIDSpring Semester
Int Rels of the Modern Middle EastL2065SSpring Semester
Politics of Terror & Glob Hist of ViolenM1014SSpring Semester
Putin, Power, PopulismL2071SDUDSpring Semester
Putin, Power, PopulismL2071SSpring Semester
Race, Gender and Global Capitalism015IRSSpring Semester
Race, Gender and Global Capitalism015IRSIDSpring Semester
FHEQ Level 7 (Masters)
Conflict, Security and Development917M1Autumn Semester
Foundations of World Politics941M1Autumn Semester
Geopolitics and International Affairs915M1Autumn Semester
Human Rights in International Relations825M9AAutumn Semester
International Relations Theory903M1Autumn Semester
Neoliberalism and the Global Economy924M1Autumn Semester
New Security Challenges919M1Autumn Semester
Theorising Global Political Economy936M1Autumn Semester
Conflict, Peace, and the Places029IRSSpring Semester
Discourse Analysis519X8Spring Semester
Global Health967M1Spring Semester
Managing Economic Instability716IRSSpring Semester
Religions, Cultures & Civilisations957M1Spring Semester
Research Methods & Prof Skills (IR)006L2Spring Semester
Russia, Eurasia and the Crisis998M9Spring Semester
The Political Economy of Development944M1Spring Semester
Violence and (In)security (IR)966M1Spring Semester
War and Security in North/South Persp.761M9Spring Semester
Dissertation (Conflict, Security & Dev)920M1Summer Teaching
Dissertation (Geopol & Int Affairs)922M1Summer Teaching
Dissertation (International Relations)913M1Summer Teaching
Dissertation (IPE)935M1Summer Teaching

Please note that the University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses and modules in accordance with the descriptions set out here. However, the University keeps its courses and modules under review with the aim of enhancing quality. Some changes may therefore be made to the form or content of courses or modules shown as part of the normal process of curriculum management.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the contents or methods of delivery of, or to discontinue, merge or combine modules, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the University. If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the University reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the University withdraws or discontinues a module, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative module.