School of Global Studies

Modules - current academic year

TitleCodeTerms taught
FHEQ Level 4
Environmental Risks and HazardsF8508EDAutumn Semester
Human Geographies of the Modern World001GRAutumn Semester
Skills and Concepts in Geography I002GRAutumn Semester
The Natural WorldF8510Autumn Semester
Env Management & Sustainable DevelopmentL7003Spring Semester
Geographies of Cities and Mobilities017GRSSpring Semester
Skills and Concepts in Geography IIF8509Spring Semester
Understanding Earth003GRSpring Semester
FHEQ Level 5
Environmental Research Skills (BSc Geog)F8512Autumn Semester
Geographical Information SystemsL7032AAutumn Semester
Global Climate ChangeL7030Autumn Semester
Global Geographies of Economic Change018GRAAutumn Semester
Methods & Approaches in Human GeographyL7023Autumn Semester
Understanding Global MigrationL7041CAutumn Semester
Geographies of the Living Earth019GRSSpring Semester
Geography Overseas Field ClassL7024Spring Semester
Global Landscape DynamicsF8051SSpring Semester
Social GeographiesL7016Spring Semester
Southeast England Field ClassF8515Spring Semester
FHEQ Level 6
Advanced Sustainable Development: SP&P014GAIDAutumn Semester
Advanced Sustainable Development: SP&P014GAAutumn Semester
Cultures of ColonialismF8030AAutumn Semester
Cultures of ColonialismF8030DIDAutumn Semester
Environmental Protest: Past & Present013GAAutumn Semester
Geographies of Money, Finance, and Debt012GADAutumn Semester
Geographies of Money, Finance, and Debt012GAAutumn Semester
Geographies of Rising & Declining PowersF8031AAutumn Semester
Geohazards: Climate, Disasters and004GAAutumn Semester
Refugees, Migrants and Religion008GRAutumn Semester
Refugees, Migrants and Religion008GRIDAutumn Semester
Geography ThesisF8038Autumn & Spring Teaching
Geography Thesis (BSc)F8038XAutumn & Spring Teaching
Advances in Climate SciencesF8513SSpring Semester
Class, Community, Nation009GSSpring Semester
Global Environmental Change003GSSpring Semester
Global Food Security005GSSpring Semester
Global Food Security005GSIDSpring Semester
The global and the intimate008GSSpring Semester
FHEQ Level 7 (Masters)
Global Governance of Migration815F8Autumn Semester
Migrants and Society814F8Autumn Semester
Migration and Global Development822F8Autumn Semester
The Science of Climate Change837F8Autumn Semester
Climate change: Impacts and Adaptation838F8Spring Semester
Issues in Forced Migration and Displacem009GRSSpring Semester
Re-imagining Humanitarian Responses010GRSSpring Semester
Research Methods & Prof Skills (Geog)002L7Spring Semester
Dissertation (Climate Change)856F8Summer Teaching
Dissertation (Food and Development)813AFSummer Teaching
Dissertation (Migration Studies)819F8Summer Teaching
Dissertation with Placement (GS)003L7Summer Teaching
Researching Hidden & Hard-to-reach Pops.574X8Summer Teaching

Please note that the University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses and modules in accordance with the descriptions set out here. However, the University keeps its courses and modules under review with the aim of enhancing quality. Some changes may therefore be made to the form or content of courses or modules shown as part of the normal process of curriculum management.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the contents or methods of delivery of, or to discontinue, merge or combine modules, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the University. If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the University reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the University withdraws or discontinues a module, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative module.