School of Global Studies

Modules - current academic year

TitleCodeTerms taught
FHEQ Level 4
Colonialism and AfterL2003Autumn Semester
Global Development ParadigmsL2132Autumn Semester
Sussex Perspectives on International DevL2144Autumn Semester
Aid and Development CooperationL2149Spring Semester
Global Development ChallengesAF002Spring Semester
Key Thinkers in DevelopmentL2145Spring Semester
FHEQ Level 5
Economic Perspectives on DevelopmentL2147Autumn Semester
Research Skills for DevelopmentL2133NAutumn Semester
Social Change, Culture and DevelopmentL2107NAutumn Semester
Development and the StateL2128Spring Semester
Environmental Perspectives on DevL2103Spring Semester
Gender and Dev:Theory, Concepts & IssuesL2104Spring Semester
Health, Poverty and InequalityL2102NSpring Semester
International Education and Development001DSSpring Semester
Practitioner and Activist Skills012IDSSpring Semester
Race, Ethnicity and NationalismL2002NSpring Semester
FHEQ Level 6
Building Peace After War005IDAAutumn Semester
Dev, Business & Corp Soc ResponsibilityL2131AAutumn Semester
Disasters, Environment and Development005DAAutumn Semester
Disasters, Environment and Development005DADUGAutumn Semester
Global Work ExperienceD6001Autumn Semester
Hope for Health008IDAAutumn Semester
Human RightsL2124ALAAutumn Semester
Human RightsL2124ADAutumn Semester
Human RightsL2124AAutumn Semester
International Development Thesis -AuDL2153AAutumn Semester
Mobilities and Global Inequalities004IDAAutumn Semester
Mobilities and Global Inequalities004IDAGAutumn Semester
Critical Perspectives on Conflict and ViL2154SSpring Semester
Decolonial Movements002ID2Spring Semester
Designing Alternatives for Development010IDSSpring Semester
Development Tools and SkillsL2146SSpring Semester
Education, Justice & Liberation103IDSSpring Semester
International Development Thesis - SpDL2153SSpring Semester
Political Ecology and Environmental Just013IDSSpring Semester
Political Ecology and Environmental Just013IDSANTHSpring Semester
FHEQ Level 7 (Masters)
Concepts of Social Development824AFAutumn Semester
Critical Debates in Development Theory807AFAutumn Semester
Feminist Approaches on Global Developm001ID7Autumn Semester
Gender, Violence in War & Peace004A7Autumn Semester
Human Rights and the Politics of Culture824M9Autumn Semester
Introduction to Social Development033IDAAutumn Semester
Political Economy of the Environment802AFAutumn Semester
Critical Debates in Environm & Dev928AFSpring Semester
Critical Debates in Environment and Deve928AFDSpring Semester
Decolonising, Diversifying & Demytholog002ID7Spring Semester
Decolonising, Diversifying and Demytholo002ID7DSpring Semester
Doing Gender in Theory and Practice350D7Spring Semester
Forced Labour, Trafficking351D7Spring Semester
Research Methods & Prof Skills012L2Spring Semester
Dissertation (EDP)822AFSummer Teaching
Dissertation (GVC)827DDSummer Teaching
Dissertation (Human Rights)827M9ASummer Teaching
Dissertation (Social Development)827AFSummer Teaching

Please note that the University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses and modules in accordance with the descriptions set out here. However, the University keeps its courses and modules under review with the aim of enhancing quality. Some changes may therefore be made to the form or content of courses or modules shown as part of the normal process of curriculum management.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the contents or methods of delivery of, or to discontinue, merge or combine modules, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the University. If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the University reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the University withdraws or discontinues a module, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative module.