Department of Geography

Low carbon technologies and development in low income countries

This sub-theme focuses on both understanding how low carbon energy technologies can contribute to international development and how international policy mechanisms can be better designed to deliver against the needs of developing countries and poor and marginalised people therein. As well as conducting peer reviewed scientific research, the theme has a strong focus on policy engagement and has led to extensive impacts in the international climate policy field.

Solar chargerSolar powered phone and radio charger

Key staff: David Ockwell

Example projects

Selected Publications

Marshall M, Ockwell D and Byrne R (in press) “Sustainable Sustainable Energy for All, or Sustainable Energy for Men? Gender and the construction of identity within climate technology innovation in Kenya” Progress in Development Studies

Ockwell D, Sagar A and  de Coninck H (2014) “Collaborative research and development (R&D) for climate technology transfer and uptake in developing countries: Towards a needs driven approach” Climatic Change (DOI) 10.1007/s10584-014-1123-2 (published online)

Watson J, Byrne R, Ockwell D and  Stua M (2014) “Lessons from China: Building technological capabilities for low carbon technology transfer and development” Accepted by Climatic Change (DOI) 10.1007/s10584-014-1124-1 (published online)

Ockwell D and Mallett A (eds.) (2012) Low Carbon Technology Transfer: From Rhetoric to Reality, Routledge, Abingdon

Ockwell D, Mallett A, Haum R and Watson J (2010) "Intellectual property rights and low carbon technology transfer: the two polarities of diffusion and development", Global Environmental Change, 20: 729-738

Both images: Robert Byrne