The MSc in Engineering Geomorphology, Consultancy and Practice (currently not running) has a unique modular structure, and can be studied full time, part time over two years, or by taking individual modules for CPD credit. Each module comprises full-time field or laboratory teaching over one week followed by a week of independent project work that can be completed at Sussex or (for part-time and CPD students) at your workplace. It is possible to accumulate CPD credits towards the eventual completion of an MSc.
Refer to Downloads for our Engineering Geomorphology, Consultancy and Practice brochure.
CPD details and online registration - CPD courses are currently unavailable, January 2015
Feedback from our CPD courses
“As a member of the commercial sector and ex-student, I found that the course had a suitable balance of theoretical, applied and practical work. The tutors, who also work outside the educational establishment, were able to develop the course for the various backgrounds undertaking the module. This was an excellent CPD unit that provided geotechnical /geomorphological knowledge and training in risk assessment. This training can also be applied for risk assessment on commercial aspects such as financial, and health and safety. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is involved in Geohazards or computational risk assessment in the geography, geology or civil engineering based industries. “
Richard Sutton BSc.(Hons), FGS
Geotechnical and Environmental Manager, Geomarine Limited