January 10th - The economic and the social Andrew Sayer, Sociology, Lancaster Adrian Smith, Geography, QMUL Chair: Tony Fielding, Sussex |
January 17th – The urban and the rural Nigel Walford, Geography, Kingston Rob Imrie, Geography, King’s College London Chair: Simon Rycroft, Sussex |
January 24th – Geographies of work and migration Susan Halford, Sociology, Southampton Heaven Crawley, Geography, Swansea Chair: Richard Black, Sussex |
January 31st – Geographies of development and integration Hazel Barrett, Geography, Coventry Mark Wise, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration Studies, University of Plymouth Chair: Ron Skeldon, Sussex |
February 7th – Geography and social policy Damaris Rose, Université INRS, Montréal Peter Kemp, Social Policy & Social Work, University of Oxford Chair: Mick Dunford, Sussex |
February 14th– Environmental geographies Roy Haynes-Young, Geography, Nottingham Andy Millington, Geosciences, Texas A&M Chair: David Robinson, Sussex |
February 21st – Geography and political economy Mark Goodwin, Geography, Exeter Michael Geddes, Warwick Business School Chair: Alan Lester, Sussex |
February 28th– Geographies of the Quaternary Peter Coxon, Geography, Trinity College Dublin Mark Bateman, Geography, Sheffield Chair: Julian Murton, Sussex |
March 6th– Applied geomorphology: science or engineering? Roger Moore, Geography, Sussex Chair/co-debater: Bob Allison, Sussex |
*Will join us by video-conference
Please note: titles of sessions may change.