The Genome Damage and Stability Centre utilises a range of state-of-the-art facilities for multiple techniques, including microscopy, DNA sequencing and mass spectrometry.
- Analytical and Quantitative Light Microscope Facility
Analytical and Quantitative Light Microscopy Facility (AQLM) supports scientists and researchers in GDSC to do light microscopy experiments. This facility has two confocal microscopes, five wide-field fluorescence microscopes, one high throughput microscope and five low-light microscopes.
There are also five workstations running Huygens, Imaris, ScanR, Zen and a number of open source software packages, supporting deconvolution, image analysis and image quantification. The facility provides user training, troubleshooting, experimental consultation, and research collaboration.
Please contact Dr Jan Gu for more details.
SpinningDisc Confocal microscope
- High-content microscopy screens of siRNA libraries
The ScanR high-content microscopy system (Olympus) allows automated data acquisition from 96-well plates or cover-slips. The ScanR microscope is used in combination with Dharmacon OnTarget Plus siRNA libraries in screening experiments. siRNA libraries targeting genes in the DNA damage response and epigenetic modifications are available.
ScanR microscopy system (Olympus)
- Research Tissue Bank (RTB)
The RTB facilitates research both within the GDSC and with external collaborating institutes, but serves as an international resource to facilitate basic and translational research into the aetiology, diagnosis and prognosis of genomic instability disorders, in compliance with the laws, regulations and standards that apply to research banking.
We have samples from more than 2000 donors collected in collaboration with clinicians both in the UK and internationally. Researchers seeking access to our samples must contact the Tissue Bank Manager in the first instance. All applications are assessed by our RTB Committee and released on approval.
Our tissue culture facility comprises of a small team of dedicated specialised technicians who provide a unique service supporting the research groups within the Centre.
For further information please contact: Dr Lisa Woodbine-Research Tissue Bank Manager (