Campanis sotterranea 

Name of text: Campanis sotterranea 
Author of text: Joseph Sanchez
Date of text: 1833
Date of person in text: Seventeenth century
Name of structure in text: Catacomb of S. Severo
Type of structure in text: catacomb
Date of structure in text 3rd-5th century
Century of structure 1: 3 AD
Century of structure 2: 5 AD
Country in text: Italy
Region in text:
City in text: Naples
Specific place of mosaic in text: Burial niches
Description of mosaic in text:

The historian Celano visited the crypt in 1649 and says he saw ‘pitture, pezzi di mosaico svisati, inscrizioni greche coverte di nitro sopra ed intorno alle nicchie sepolcrali’

Pictures, pieces of misplaced mosaic, greek inscriptions covered in nitre (saltpetre) on and around the burial niches.

Mosaic date in text:
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? No
Colour descriptions in text:

Sanchez, Joseph, Campanis sotterranea (Naples: 1833), vol.2, pp. 456-7

See also:

Sear, Frank B., Roman Wall and Vault Mosaics (Heidelberg: F. H. Kerle Verlag, 1977), p. 140


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