Rollus Rebeus of Cefalù

Name of text:

Rollus Rebeus of Cefalù

Author of text: Rogerius de Mistretta
Date of text: 1329
Date of person in text: Fourteenth century
Name of structure in text: Cefalù basilica
Type of structure in text: Church
Date of structure in text 1131-1267
Century of structure 1: 12 AD
Century of structure 2: 13 AD
Country in text: Italy
Region in text: Sicily
City in text: Cefalù
Specific place of mosaic in text:

At least six figural dedicatory panels on west front of cathedral in the shelter of the open porch.

Description of mosaic in text: First had King Roger offering model of church to Christ, second panel not described, next two showed William I and William II respectively confirming old privileges of the church and conferring new ones, fifth showed Queen Constance presenting the Casale of Odosuer to the cathedral, last represented Frederick II in the act of despatching Joannes of Cicala, bishop of Cefalù, as envoy to Damascus. Inscription on last read ‘Vade in Babyloniam et Damascum et Filios Saladini quaere et verba mea audacter loquere ut statum ipsius valeas melius reformare’.  Not actually stated they were mosaics, but seems likely.  
Mosaic date in text: 13 AD
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? No
Colour descriptions in text:

Rogerius de Mistretta , Rollus Rubeus of Cefalù, compiled in 1329 for Tommaso de Butera, bishop-elect of Cefalù, by the notary Roger.

See Mark J. Johnson, The Lost Royal Portraits of Gerace and Cefalù Cathedrals’, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 53 (1999), 237-262, see pp. 241-8 for full quotes in English of the descriptions of the panels, and pp. 260-1 for Latin text.

Also cited in Otto Demus, Mosaics of Norman Sicily (London: Routledge, 1956), p. 10

Comments: Destroyed as early as 1480, certainly by end of 16th century.

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