
Name of structure: Unknown
Extended name of structure:
Type of structure: building
Country or main area: Greece
Region within country or main area: Central Macedonia
City or area within region: Chalkidiki, Nea Kallikratia
Date of structure: 4th-6th century dated through pottery finds
Century of structure 1: 4 AD
Century of structure 2: 6 AD
Specific place of mosaic: Found at the centre of the building
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: la large number of excellently preserved glass tesserae, in various colours (blue, red, green, gold)
Date of mosaic: 4th-6th century
Century of mosaic 1: 4 AD
Century of mosaic 2:
Silver tessera at site:
Gold tessera at site: Yes
Colour tessera at site: Yes
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)? The remains of a destroyed kiln were found at the W of the settlement
Has analysis been done?
Samples taken from where?
Excavation and restoration campaigns:
Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

‘Archaeology in Greece 2001-02’, Archaeological Reports / Volume 48 / November 2002, pp 1-115, The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies and the British School at Athens 2001, p. 76

Comments: NB: it is not known if these are wall mosaic fragments.

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