
Name of structure: Unknown
Extended name of structure: Justinana Prima
Type of structure: Unspecified city buildings
Country or main area: Serbia
Region within country or main area: southern Serbia
City or area within region: Caričin Grad/Justiniana Prima
Date of structure: 6C-7C
Century of structure 1: 6 AD
Century of structure 2: 7 AD
Specific place of mosaic: Scattered tesserae on ground.
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: n/a
Date of mosaic: 6C-7C
Century of mosaic 1: 6 AD
Century of mosaic 2: 7 AD
Silver tessera at site: Unknown
Gold tessera at site: Unknown
Colour tessera at site: Unknown
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)? Glass chunks
Has analysis been done? Yes
Samples taken from where?

Glass chunks (Drauschke, 2010)

Excavation and restoration campaigns: 1981-1990, 1997-, 2009: Excavations and analysis undertaken by Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM), Mainz and Archaeological Institute, Serbian Academy of Science, Belgrade
Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

Drauschke, J., 'Early Byzantine glass from Caričin Grad / Justiniana Prima (Serbia): first results concerning the composition of raw glass chunks', in Glass along the Silk Road from 200 BC to AD 1000, ed by Bettina Zorn & Alexandra Hilgner (Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Grmanischen Zentralmuseums, 2010), 53-71. 

Paper presented at 18th AIHV 2009, Thessaloniki by Jörg Drauschke, Susanne Greiff (presenter) and Sonja Stamenković. Awaiting publication of report.

Ivanišević, V., 'Caričin Grad / Justiniana Prima (Serbia) – excavations in a Byzantine city of the 6th century A.D.', Handwerk, Werkstätten, Handel und neue siedlungsarchäologische Forschungen im Byzantinischen Reich Abstracts des Workshops der Byzantinischen Archäologie Mainz, 19./20.10.2006: http://web.rgzm.de/filead min/gruppen/rgzm/IvanisevicCaricinGrad.pdf

Bavant, B. & Ivanisevic, V., Ivstiniana Prima - Caričin Grad (Belgrade, 2003).

Duval, N. (éd.): Caričin Grad (Rome, Collection de l'École française de Rome 75):
-Vol. 1: Duval, N., Les basiliques B et J de Caričin Grad, quatre objets remarquables de Caricin Grad, le trésor de Hajducka Vodenica (1984).
-Vol. 2: Bavant, B., Le quartier sud-ouest de la ville haute (1990).





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