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Types of Migration
Internal Migration
Global Labour Mobility
Child Migration
Skilled Migration
Forced Migration
Return Migration

Key Themes
Modelling Causes and Consequences
Links between Migrations
Rural Poverty and Livelihoods
Social Protection
Gender and Generations
Health and Education

UK / international
Albania / Eastern Europe
Ghana / Africa
Egypt / the Middle East
Bangladesh / South Asia




Modelling Causes and Consequences

Modelling Causes and ConsequencesThere is an extensive literature on the causes and consequences of migration, which identifies a wide range of economic, social and political factors of importance. However, in terms of formal economic modelling of these linkages, the existing literature also highlights the causality or ‘endogeneity’ problems embedded in poverty-migration linkages. This relates to the impact that migration can have on improving or deteriorating welfare for migrants and non-migrants at destination and source over time. Poverty may induce people to migrate in order to improve their livelihoods but may in turn result in them becoming further impoverished and more vulnerable.

In this context, on-going work at the centre stresses the need to analyse poverty and decisions about mobility within a dynamic framework of social networks, gender relations and economic and political constraints. We aim to link these choices and frameworks to outcomes by using available economic and demographic data where it exists and new studies where necessary.

So far, two key datasets have been used in our modelling work: first, the World Bank’s Living Standards Measurement Surveys (LSMS), which in the case of Albania in particular has a large module on migration; and second, a bespoke survey on migration collected by the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographics Institute (NIDI) in Ghana, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal and Turkey, as well as in the European receiving states of Spain and Italy.


  Key Projects
  4a: Impacts of Poverty and Vulnerability on Migration Choice: Ghana and Egypt

4b: Migration and Poverty in Transition in Albania

4d: The impact of migration on assets of sending households


NEW! 'Do Migrant Remittances affect the Consumption Patterns of Albanian Households' by Adriana Castaldo and Barry Reilly (SEEJE)

Poverty, Vulnerability and Migration Choice, Dec 2003 (WP-T3)

Who is Most Likely to Migrate from Albania? Evidence from the Albania Living Standards Measurement Survey, June 2005 (WP-T11)

Tackling Poverty-Migration Linkages: Evidence from Ghana and Egypt, Oct 2005 (WP-T14)

Who is Most Likely to Migrate from Albania? Evidence from the Albania Living Standards Measurement Survey (BP-2)

  Poverty, Vulnerability and Migration Choice Research Workshop, April 2004

Presentation to conference on Albanian migration, September 2004

Workshop on poverty, vulnerability and migration choice in Geneva, May 2006 (co-organised with NIDI and the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, under the auspices of the IMISCOE network)

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With thanks to IOM and Claudia Natali for the photographs