Research news
Showcasing PhDs at the Festival of Doctoral Research
By: Katy Stoddard
Last updated: Monday, 30 May 2022

Join us next week (6-10 June) to celebrate PhD research at Sussex with a mix of workshops, competitions and social events, bringing the doctoral community together to learn, share and connect.
The highlight of the Festival programme is the Three Minute Thesis final, returning after a two-year hiatus. Join us in the new Student Centre as doctoral researchers from across the University present their work in just three minutes, and compete to represent Sussex in the Vitae semi-final.
The 3MT is preceded by a networking lunch and Professional Services drop-in. Connect with other researchers, chat to staff who support research across campus, and vote for People's Choice at the Image and Poster exhibition.
Student-led events are central to the Festival. Register for the MAH Thesis to Book panel where recent graduates will discuss publishing their PhD, join the Hive Scholars for a wellbeing walk, or learn how to cross stitch at the Creative Outlets craft and chat session.
We're hosting a TEDx viewing party featuring new talks from researchers at different career stages - Dr Melis Ulug (Psychology Lecturer), Dr David Orr (Senior Lecturer in Social Work), Giada Brianza (Informatics PGR), and podcaster and presenter Claudia Hammond (visiting professor in Psychology). And for those who are keen to socialise, there's a Library pub quiz in Room 76 (Falmer Bar) and the end-of-year barbecue closing the Festival on Friday afternoon.
See the Festival website to view the full daily schedule and to register, and follow #SussexDocFest on Twitter for updates.
Further information: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/internal/doctoralschool/newsandevents/festival