Forthcoming events:
Queer social reproduction and resistant imagination: Imagining queer liberated futures Part II
Monday 7 April 15:00 until 17:00
University of Sussex Campus : Arts A108
Speaker: Dr Lola Olufemi and Emrys Travis
Part of the series: Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence
This workshop explores the relationship between theories of social reproduction, the imagination and queer sociality as experienced by political subjects in the context of political struggle. What does being with each other in sites and confrontation and resistance do to our perceptions of ourselves and others? How exactly do we make and unmake each other? We invite participants to read and discuss archival excerpts which challenge the notion of the sovereign subject in favour of conceiving of a subject that is invariably changed by the imposition of race, sex and class which reveal relationships of dependency and exploitation with others.
Emrys Travis is a PhD researcher at the University of Brighton. Their project investigates gay liberationist activist philosophies through embracing the archive of grassroots print culture. Emrys also co-edited *The Trans Marxist Issue* of *Transgender Studies Quarterly*.
Dr. Lola Olufemi is a black feminist writer and researcher from London. She is author of *Feminism Interrupted: Disrupting Power* (Pluto Press, 2020) and *Experiments in Imagining Otherwise* (Hajar Press, 2021). Her PhD thesis, titled "But the luminous tree... The Uses of the Imagination in Resistant Cultural Production" focused on the uses of the political imagination and its relationship to cultural production, political demands and futurity.
Posted on behalf of: Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities
Last updated: Monday, 24 March 2025