The Media, Arts and Humanities Research Institute

The Media, Arts and Humanities Research Institute is the collaborative hub of research in Media, Arts and Humanities at Sussex. It draws on the Sussex traditions of radicalism and innovation to support our research and creative practice from across the School.

Events programme

Uncovering, connecting and curating: Insights from the Connected Histories of the BBC Oral History Project

Thursday 19 September 15:45 until 16:30

Online :

Speaker: Margaretta Jolly

Part of the series: Oral History Collective: an AHRC-WRoCAH funded Student Led Forum organised and run by postgraduate researchers at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York

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Banner image: Reflections on a meeting by Scribe is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0


School of Media, Arts and Humanities Research Office, Silverstone SB220