Share your views on the ADR process in our feedback survey
Posted on behalf of: Organisational Development
Last updated: Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Our People Strategy outlines the key aims and objectives we want to achieve over the next few years to improve the staff experience at Sussex.
One of the aims in the strategy is to bring consistency and clarity to how annual reviews are conducted for staff. As a result of this, we launched our updated Achievement and Development Review (ADR) process and supporting documentation in the spring term 2023.
With the 2023 ADR cycle now complete, we want to hear your feedback on our revised ADR materials and resources via a short online survey. Your input will help us understand how the resources are supporting staff and how we can continue to refine them to make sure the ADR process is as impactful as possible.
How to take part
Please take a few minutes to complete the feedback survey via the link below.
The survey will remain open until Wednesday 13 December. It will take you around 10-15 minutes to complete and you can access it easily either on your computer or mobile phone.
Why is your feedback important?
We want to ensure staff at Sussex have a sense of belonging, inclusion and clarity about how their work contributes to the objectives of the University. Having the opportunity to dedicate time to reflect on successes and challenges and plan for the year ahead during an ADR is a critical part of this. It also enables line managers and their staff to discuss professional development and career ambitions, supporting staff to flourish and strengthen in their performance.
Now that we have completed the ADR cycle for 2023 using the new materials, we’re keen to hear your thoughts on improvements we could make to the materials and resources provided to staff.
Your feedback will enable the Organisational Design (OD) team to understand what changes or improvements could be made. It will also indicate whether additional training or support is required for the next ADR cycle in 2024.
Survey feedback and confidentiality
The survey is completely confidential, and no answers or comments will be attributable to any individual. However, there is an option to leave your email address if you are happy for the OD team to contact you to discuss your feedback. We hope this will encourage you to feel confident and safe to share your views about the ADR materials and resources.
Actions following the survey
Once the feedback has been collated and analysed, we will have an overview of the changes or improvements which could be made for the next ADR cycle in 2024. We will communicate any changes that are implemented to staff.
Please do make sure your voice is heard, so that we can work together to change things for the better here at Sussex.