12 – 19 October is National Hate Crime Awareness Week
Posted on behalf of: EDI Unit
Last updated: Sunday, 13 October 2024

National Hate Crime Awareness Week, which first took place in 2012, is a week of action to encourage the authorities (Government, Police and Councils), key partners (business and voluntary sectors) and communities affected by hate crime to work together to tackle hate crime across the UK. This includes encouraging hate crime reporting, organising acts of remembrance and developing plans to tackle hate crime.
A hate crime can be defined as 'any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.'
Report and Support
Bullying or harassment are never OK. Report and Support is the University’s online tool, for you to find support, report anonymously or ask to speak to a Responder.
The University is committed to promoting equality and to creating an inclusive working, learning and living environment where all members of our diverse community can know that they belong and are treated fairly and with respect and dignity, in order to enable everyone to achieve their full potential. If you or someone else has experienced behaviours such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination, you can let us know using this Report and Support tool. Find out more about the Dignity, Respect and Inclusion policy here.
All staff, students and visitors to our campus can use the Report and Support website to:
- Find information about and access University and specialist support services
- Make a report to the University so that an advisor can talk you through options for support or further action.
- Make an anonymous report to make the University aware of your experience, (please note that we will only be able to act upon anonymous reports on very rare occasions - please see FAQs for more information)
Further University of Sussex resources
Visit our Dignity, Respect and Inclusion webpages for more useful links, including the Staff Wellbeing Hub and Student Wellbeing pages.
- Hate incident, crime or discrimination (Student Hub) - Get help if you, or someone you know, has experienced a physical assault, hate crime, hate incident or discrimination.
- Therapeutic Services : University of Sussex (for students)
- Employee Assistance Programme (for staff)