Postponed Sussex Education Awards to take place Tuesday 1 December
By: Rose Wilmot
Last updated: Monday, 30 November 2020

Last academic year's Sussex Education Awards, which had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, will now be a virtual event held on Tuesday 1 December, celebrating colleagues who have embodied the spirit of Sussex and our core values of kindness, integrity, inclusion, collaboration and courage.
More than 400 nominations were received from both staff and students in February of this year, but celebrations had to be put on hold. The awards, which will now be held on Zoom, are an opportunity to celebrate our community and members of staff – both academic and those in professional services – who truly embody the spirit and values of the University.
Claire Smith, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Education and Innovation, and Chair of the Judging Panel, said of the nominations received:
“On reading each nomination, I smiled. 400-plus smiles later I know that for the students or staff making the nomination that individual did more than help them smile. They helped them to understand, they gave them hope and they helped them feel supported.
“These nominations were made by students and staff before our world changed, and it is important that we recognise and celebrate such inspiring work – that no doubt has continued over recent times.”
Nominations received last year rose by 31% on the previous year, with a 58% increase in nominations from students.
“These awards are an opportunity for us to recognise those outstanding members of staff who make Sussex the fantastic place it is.
“As part of our Learn to Transform strategy, these awards celebrate staff who uphold the values that this University established at its founding and those that guide our future direction.”
All nominees have been contacted with details about the event and how to join virtually on 1 December. If you are interested in learning more about the awards, please email
Congratulations to everyone nominated.