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Public Value Innovation: Key Features and Research Directions
Wednesday 14 May 13:00 until 14:30
Speaker: Luigi De Luca – University of Cardiff Business School
Part of the series: Marketing Research Seminars

The talk will discuss Public Value Innovation (PVI) as an important way forward in the increasingly heterogeneous world of societal-based innovation challenges, with implications for theory, policy, and practice. The discussion will outline some important themes for future PVI research: 1) the distinctive nature of PVI and theoretical integration with other socially oriented innovations; 2) ecosystems; 3) resources and capabilities; 4) culture and work processes; 5) business model innovation; and 6) measurement. These themes will be developed into a series of promising research questions on PVI, complemented by suggestions regarding data and methodological approaches that can suit future research on PVI.
As Co-Editor-In-Chief for the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), Luigi will also provide a brief introduction to the Journal, the new editorial team, the review and publication process. JPIM was founded in 1984, is owned by the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) and published by Wiley. JPIM has consolidated its position as a global top-tier journal in the field of innovation management and new product development, as indicated by the recently released 2023 Clarivate’s Journal Citation Report. JPIM is consistently categorized together with the highest quality journals by numerous systems around the world (AJG 4, ABDC A*).
Luigi is Professor of Marketing and Innovation at Cardiff University Business School, where he served as Pro-Dean for Doctoral Studies and Director of the PhD Programme between 2018 and 2023. Luigi received a PhD in Business Administration & Management from Bocconi University (Italy). Prior to joining Cardiff University, he worked as Lecturer at Aston Business School (UK) and was visiting PhD student at Hong Kong City University and CEIBS (China).
Luigi’s research, teaching and executive education focus on innovation management and the organizational and societal implications of digital transformation. His earlier work focused on marketing strategy, new product development, and their organizational correlates.
Luigi is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Product Innovation Management, together with Gerda Gemser (University of Melbourne), Ruby Lee (Florida State) and Minu Kumar (San Francisco State).
Luigi has a strong track-record of initiating and delivering collaborative projects between industry and academia, including four flagship Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) funded by the UK Government (Innovate UK), on new product development (with BrikFab Ltd), data science innovation (with Centrica Plc) and machine learning in marketing (with ActiveQuote Ltd) and digital innovation (with Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust).
Luigi has published in highly ranked academic journals in marketing and innovation, including the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Research Policy, Journal of Service Research, British Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of Business Research, among others.
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Last updated: Thursday, 6 March 2025