My Psychology: Understanding our inner ape
Tuesday 6 May 18:00 until 19:00
University of Sussex Campus
Speaker: Professor Gilly Forrester
Part of the series: My Psychology

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Join Professor Gilly Forrester on her quest to better understand how we evolved and develop into the upright, walking, talking, tool-using great apes that we are today.
“The way we think, feel and act may appear very different from other animals, but we share more similarities than differences.”
Professor Forrester directs the Comparative Cognition Group -investigating the behaviours and brain functions associated with social and communication abilities in infants, children and adults… and in our primate cousins.
“Comparing ourselves with our great ape cousins can reveal clues about how our language and social skills emerged during evolution. Likewise, it can inform us about these how skills develop across the lifespan.”
My Psychology is a new talk series that invites the public to join in the ceremonial occasion of Professorial appointments at the University of Sussex. Each talk will focus on a different psychology topic ranging from the science of kindness to the neuroscience of neurodiversity to the evolution of language. Book now and enjoy an evening of cutting-edge science with interactive Q&A and a beverage.
Posted on behalf of: School of Psychology
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Last updated: Monday, 6 January 2025