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Disability Essentials – new EDI e-learning on LearnUpon
Posted on behalf of: EDI Unit
Last updated: Monday, 16 October 2023

Our equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) e-learning courses are designed to support all staff in their day-to-day work and promote respect and dignity across our campus community.
Disability Essentials is a new introductory course designed to ensure people are confident and comfortable talking about disability. It combines legal expertise with the lived experience of disabled people to support staff in their knowledge and engagement with disabled staff and students.
The course is written by the founder of AccessAble who is both a practicing employment and discrimination barrister, and a disabled person.
The course has five modules which take around 10-15 minutes each to complete, and include;
- What do we mean by ‘disability’?
- Disability equality and the law
- Types of impairments and conditions
- Providing a great service to everyone
- Language
It is highly recommended that all staff complete this introductory course to support understanding and knowledge for staff and student facing roles across the University.
There is a catalogue of equality, diversity and inclusion courses available for staff covering aspects of the Equality Act and Public Sector Equality Duty, bullying and harassment, unconscious bias, inclusive recruitment, and inclusive leadership. More information about the full range of courses available can be found on the Online Learning webpage.
Logging in to LearnUpon
Using a Chrome browser where possible, log in to LearnUpon by clicking the login button on the LearnUpon webpage and then going to My Courses. You can find the Disability Essentials course by searching in the catalogue or going straight to the Disability Essentials training webpage when logged in to LearnUpon.
Your LearnUpon login details
- Username: your ITS (e.g. or
- Password: your University of Sussex ITS password
To start or retake a course
You will find a list of courses on your LearnUpon dashboard. To start a course simply click the title.
Once you have finished a course you must close it by clicking the small grey x in the top right-hand corner of the module window. This will ensure that your progress on the course is saved.
Please note that the courses work best in a Chrome browser.
If you have any questions about completing courses or experience problems accessing them, please contact