West Slope from above – take a look behind the scenes of West Slope
Posted on behalf of: The Transforming Sussex team
Last updated: Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Figure 1, pictured left to right: James Hann, Sarah Evans, John Kallend, Elena Southard, and Lewis Wilson, pictured on one of the West Slope student accommodation buildings currently under construction.
On a soggy February afternoon, the Student’s Union joined the West Slope team for a first glimpse behind the scenes on the West Slope construction site.
First stop on the tour was a walk around what will soon become our new Health and Wellbeing Centre. The Ground Floor and Second Floor will be dedicated to University Wellbeing Services, and the First Floor will be the new home of our campus’ NHS GP service, with student accommodationon the top levels.
Next, James Hann, Students’ Union Chief Executive, Elena Southard, Student Living and Sustainability Officer, and Lewis Wilson,Education and Employability Officer, were shown around a new student accommodation building, one of the first set to open to students in September 2026.
Located next to Lewes Court residences, this large U-shaped building will be home to 235 students and will also house the West Slope residents’ reception and a new Launderette. Within the courtyard there will be outdoor space and a half-sized basketball court.
James Hann, Students’ Union Chief Executive said: “It was fascinating to see how the construction is coming together and to get a real understanding of what the finished site will look like. The health and safety of those on site was clearly a high priority for all concerned and this was demonstrated by the zero number of RIDDOR reportable incidents.
The approach to preserving a lot of existing trees on site and interacting with sustainable consultation in the construction is commendable, and putting accessibility and welfare at the forefront of design will hopefully have a massive impact on our future students.”
West Slope from above
Watch our latest ‘Seagull POV’ video to see West Slope taking shape. Made using drone footage from our construction partners Balfour Beatty, the footage was taken on the morning of the Students’ Union site tour. Watch to see the new Health and Wellbeing Centre and student accommodation under construction, as well as the footprint of many more buildings to come.
When will West Slope be ready?
With our new Health and Wellbeing Centre and the first of our student accommodation rooms opening next year, the site is well under development. Following the opening of these new buildings, construction of the rest of the development will be ongoing, with more student accommodation rooms and amenities opening in 2027 and 2028.
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