The Suss-Ex Club



This is a list of obituaries of members of staff of the University of Sussex and of the Institute for Development Studies (an independent institute located on the Sussex University campus). It includes all those that have appeared in the Suss-Ex Club Newsletters, all those formerly posted under In Memoriam, all those in the Bulletin/Staff Bulletin, and all those in the on-line Falmer archive (which starts in Summer 1998).

Some links to newspaper and other obituaries are also included. Where the article is behind a paywall, generally no link is given. The article may be available online through a library that subscribes to the 'Nexis' or other resource.

Links to the Suss-Ex Club Newsletters are to web versions. Links to PDF versions, more suitable for printing, are on the Club homepage.


[ball] Peter Abbs: Times 16 January 2021, Guardian 28 December 2020 online; This is Sussex 22 January 2021.

[ball] Peter Adamczyk: Staff Bulletin 3 May 2019.

[ball] Mollie Adams: Bulletin 14 June 1996, p. 2.

[ball] George Akehurst: Bulletin 24 May 1977, p. 3.

[ball] Les Allen: Staff Bulletin 24 June 2016, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.

[ball] Pat Allen: Bulletin 6 June 1989, p. 2.

[ball] Paul Allpress: Staff Bulletin 11 September 2015.

[ball] Peter Ambrose: Bulletin 7 September 2012.

[ball] Richard Andrew: Staff Bulletin 31 August 2018.

[ball] Peter Ansell: Bulletin 20 September 2002.

[ball] Joan Astill: Bulletin 19 November 2004.

[ball] Colin Atherton: Bulletin 20 March 2009, Life Sighs 15, Summer 2009, plus a contribution from Richard Sumner.

[ball] Richard Attenborough (Baron Attenborough of Richmond-upon-Thames): Guardian 25 August 2014, Telegraph 25 August 2014, Independent 25 August 2014, Staff Bulletin 29 August 2014.

[ball] Jim Austin: Bulletin 14 March 1989, p.2.

[ball] Lilian Austin: Bulletin 20 February 1990, p. 2.

[ball] Sabina Avdagic: Sussex in Focus 1 February 2014, This week at Sussex 29 July 2024.

[ball] Iris Avis: Bulletin 17 June 2011.

[ball] Shimon Awerbuch: Bulletin 23 February 2007.

[ball] David Axon: Bulletin 20 April 2012, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.


[ball] Jonathan Bacon: Staff Bulletin 12 November 2021, 19 November 2021, 21 April 2022.

[ball] F. G. Bailey: Anthropology News website 13 November 2020; Stanley R. Barrett, 'Politics as theatrical performance and backstage pragmatism: work and legacy of F. G. Bailey', Bérose: Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l'anthropologie, 2020.

[ball] David Bailin: Staff Bulletin 6 April 2018; Guardian online 22 April 2018, print 6 June 2018 Other Lives.

[ball] Ken Baker: Bulletin 2 June 1995, p. 3.

[ball] Norman Baldwin: Staff Bulletin 5 June 2015.

[ball] Ben Ball: Bulletin 17 November 2000.

[ball] Michael Balmond: Staff Bulletin 20 November 2015.

[ball] Colin Banwell: Royal Society of Chemistry 2023, Suss-Ex, May 2023.

[ball] Zevedei Barbu: Bulletin 1 October 1993, p. 9.

[ball] Tibor Barna: Sussex University News and Events 6 August 2009; Times 12 August 2009.

[ball] Brian Barnard: Staff Bulletin 24 March 2017.

[ball] Brian Barnett: Staff Bulletin 14 July 2017.

[ball] Georgina Barrett: Bulletin 21 November 1989, p. 4.

[ball] John Barrow: This is Sussex, 2 October 2020; Guardian 27 October 2020 online, 26 November 2020 print; Scientific American 10 October 2020; Templeton Prize 28 September 2020; Centre for Theoretical Cosmology News.

[ball] Gabriel Barton: This is Sussex 28 October 2022.

[ball] Gary Bartoszek: Bulletin 12 July 2002.

[ball] Eileen Bassey: Bulletin 26 February 1980, p. 1.

[ball] Roger Bates: Bulletin 2 May 2008.

[ball] John Bather: Bulletin 14 September 2012, Times 4 October 2012; J. Roy. Statistical Soc. A: Statistics in Society 176.1(2013), 287-290.

[ball] June Bather: Bulletin 14 September 2012.

[ball] Chris Baxter: Newsletter 36, February 2016.

[ball] Fred Bayley: Newsletter 54, Autumn 2020.

[ball] Jane Beattie: Bulletin 2 May 1997.

[ball] Sir Hugh Beaver: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, article 30663. The University's first Treasurer.

[ball] Tony Becher: Bulletin 3 April 2009, Times Higher Education 2 April 2009.

[ball] Trevor Beeforth: Suss-Ex Club Facebook page, May 2023.

[ball] Quentin Bell: Bulletin 10 January 1997; Independent 23 October 2011.

[ball] Bob Benewick: This Week at Sussex 29 August 2023.

[ball] Paul Benjamin, emeritus professor of Neuroscience, died 4 October 2024.

[ball] Geoffrey Best: Times 16 February 2018 online; Biographical Memoirs XIX, British Academy.

[ball] Helen Bickerstaff: Bulletin 30 January 1998, p. 2.

[ball] John Birch: Telegraph 29 April 2012; Bulletin 4 May 2012; Guardian online 22 May 2012, print 11 June 2012; Newsletter 23, May 2012.

[ball] Sarah Birchmore: Bulletin 12 March 2010, 11 June 2010.

[ball] Edward Bishop: Staff Bulletin 13 April 2018, The Argus 17 April 2018 print and online.

[ball] Stan Bishop: Bulletin 23 April 1991, p. 6.

[ball] Andreas Bjørnerud: Bulletin 13 January 1993, p. 3; Bulletin 11 June 1993, p. 4.

[ball] Ted Blaber: Bulletin 9 October 1984, p. 3.

[ball] John Black: Bulletin 15 May 1990, p. 3.

[ball] Martin Black: Martin Black Prize of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine; Times, 25 July 2003.

[ball] Brian Blackman: Bulletin 12 March 1999, p. 3.

[ball] Roger Blin-Stoyle: Newsletter 4, March 2007, In Memoriam, Bulletin 9 February 2007, Guardian 20 February 2007, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016; Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 54(2008), 31-45.

[ball] Joan Bliss: Bulletin 1 July 2011, Guardian 8 June 2011.

[ball] Kathleen Bliss: Bulletin 10 October 1989, p. 1.

[ball] Rod Bond: Sussex in Focus 6 July 2023.

[ball] Neil Bone: Bulletin 8 May 2009.

[ball] Patricia Bone: Bulletin 9 September 2005.

[ball] Bill Bott: UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 3; Newsletter 7, April 2008.

[ball] Tom Bottomore: Bulletin 13 January 1993, p. 6.

[ball] Ernie Boucher: Bulletin 13 March 1990, p. 2; UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 5.

[ball] David Bourne: Staff Bulletin 24 February 2017.

[ball] John Bowden: Telegraph 29 December 2010, Guardian 18 January 2011.

[ball] Mary Boyle: Bulletin 1 October 1993, p. 3.

[ball] Bob Bray: Bulletin 31 August 2001.

[ball] Dennis Bray: Bulletin 28 April 1981, p. 1.

[ball] Douglas Brewer: Staff Bulletin 21 September 2018.

[ball] Howard Brewer: Bulletin 9 October 1991, p. 6.

[ball] Asa Briggs (Baron Briggs of Lewes): Staff Bulletin 18 March 2016, In Memory of Lord (Asa) Briggs, SPRU History, accessed 30 October 2019, Telegraph 16 March 2016 online, Guardian 15 March 2016 (online), 19 March 2016 (print), Financial Times 15 March 2016 online; Biographical Memoirs XVI, British Academy.

[ball] Joy Bright: Bulletin 17 May 2002.

[ball] John Brooks: Bulletin 30 October 1984, p. 3; Bulletin 14 May 1985, p. 3.

[ball] Peter Brooks: Bulletin 14 June 2013.

[ball] John Russell Brown: Staff Bulletin 25 September 2015, Guardian 9 September 2015 online.

[ball] Sir Lindsay Bryson: Bulletin 8 April 2005.

[ball] Roy Buckland: Bulletin 19 January 1988, p. 7.

[ball] Trevor Burnard: Sussex in Focus 12 September 2024.

[ball] John Burns: Staff Bulletin 15 July 2015.

[ball] John Burrow: Bulletin 20 November 2009, Newsletter 14, February 2010, Guardian 17 November 2009, Times 2 December 2009, Independent 22 January 2010, Centre for Intellectual History; Biographical Memoirs XVIII, British Academy, pp. 49-61.

[ball] Barbara Burton: Newsletter 11, February 2009.

[ball] Richard Burton: Newsletter 7, April 2008, Bulletin 22 February 2008; L'yonne républicaine 28 January 2008.

[ball] Peter Bushell: This is Sussex 5 June 2020, Newsletter 53, Summer 2020; London Mathematical Society Newsletter 490 (September 2020), pp. 54-55.

[ball] John Butcher: Bulletin 17 October 1978, p. 2.

[ball] George Butterworth: Bulletin 25 February 2000, Falmer 33 (Summer 2000), p. 18.

[ball] James Byrne: This is Sussex 4 November 2022.


[ball] Sydney Caffyn: Bulletin 5 October 1976, p. 6.

[ball] Robert Cahn: Times 7 May 2007, Guardian 22 May 2007, Telegraph 4 May 2007.

[ball] Peter Calvocoressi: Guardian 9 February 2010.

[ball] Julius Carlebach: Bulletin 27 April 2001, Centre for German-Jewish Studies Newsletter 14, September 2001.

[ball] Michael Carritt: Bulletin 13 March 1990, p. 2.

[ball] Giovanni Carsaniga: Australasian Centre for Italian Studies blog, 4 April 2016; Sydney Morning Herald 20 April 2016; Australian Academy of the Humanities Annual Report 2015-16, pp. 30-32.

[ball] Betty Catling: Bulletin 5 September 2008.

[ball] Alan Cawson: Staff Bulletin 1 May 2015.

[ball] Geoff Chaffey: Bulletin 30 January 1990, p. 3.

[ball] Penny Chaloner: This is Sussex 11 November 2022.

[ball] David Chappell: Staff Bulletin 20 May 2016, Newsletter 37, May 2016.

[ball] Joseph Chatt: UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 7; Bulletin 31 May 2002; Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 42(1996), 95-110.

[ball] Pramit Chaudhuri: Bulletin 11 October 1996.

[ball] Eileen Chessell: Bulletin 18 June 1991, p. 3.

[ball] John Chesshire: Guardian 7 October 2009, Newsletter 13, November 2009, Bulletin 6 November 2009.

[ball] Peter Christiansen: Bulletin 7 October 1992, p. 5, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.

[ball] Geoff Clarke: Royal Statistical Society StatsLife: News of Fellows (2017), London Mathematical Society Newsletter 472, September 2017, p. 40; J. Roy. Statistical Soc. A: Statistics in Society 180.4(2017), 1309-1311.

[ball] Judi Clarke: Falmer 35 (Summer 2001), p. 16.

[ball] Henry Cleere: Staff Bulletin 31 August 2018.

[ball] Frank Clifford: Bulletin 2 May 1997.

[ball] Max Clowes: Bulletin 12 May 1981, p. 1.

[ball] Norman Cohn: Bulletin 7 September 2007.

[ball] Christopher Colclough: Guardian, online 12 July 2017, Staff Bulletin, 7 July 2017.

[ball] Trevor Cole: Falmer 39 (Summer 2003), p. 19.

[ball] Sheila Collier: Newsletter 54, Autumn 2020.

[ball] Henry Collins: Focus Jan/Feb 1970, p. 19.

[ball] Sir Gordon Conway: This Week at Sussex 7 August 2023; Institute of Development Studies 7 August 2023; Times online 9 August 2023 [paywall].

[ball] Lesley Cook: Bulletin 13 February 2004.

[ball] Marguerite Cooke: Bulletin 28 May 1991, p. 7.

[ball] Charles Cooper: Bulletin 4 February 2005.

[ball] Mary Coppinger: Bulletin 28 June 2002.

[ball] Sir John Cornforth: Staff Bulletin 20 December 2013, Newsletter 29, January 2014, Guardian online 12 January 2014, print 28 January 2014, Telegraph 9 January 2014, New York Times 19 December 2013, Independent 1 February 2014; Purchase, Rupert and Hanson, James: 'Sir John and Lady Rita Cornforth:a distinguished chemical partnership', Science Progress 98, 212-218; Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society 62(2016), 19-57.

[ball] Maurice Couve de Murville: Bulletin 16 November 2007.

[ball] Dennis Cox: Bulletin 16 March 2012, Newsletter 23, May 2012.

[ball] Nicholas Crafts: Sussex in Focus 12 October 2023.

[ball] Kenneth Cragg: Telegraph 14 November 2012.

[ball] George Craig: Staff Bulletin 5 April 2019.

[ball] Arthur Craven: Bulletin 28 September 2001.

[ball] Valerie Cromwell (Lady Kingman): History of Parliament blog 14 March 2018; Newsletter 43, summer 2018.

[ball] Raymond Crotty: Irish Times, 4 January 1994.

[ball] Susanna Crouch: Staff Bulletin 24 November 2017.

[ball] Sylvia Crowe: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/67305.

[ball] Peter Croyden: Sussex University IT Services News 9 December 2011, Bulletin 16 December 2011.

[ball] Andrew Crozier: Bulletin 18 April 2008, Independent 16 April 2008, Guardian 21 July 2008.

[ball] John Cruickshank: Bulletin 13 October 1995, p. 5.

[ball] Sam Culpeck: Staff Bulletin 19 June 2015.

[ball] Marcus Cunliffe: Bulletin 9 October 1990, p. 9; see also Bulletin 9 October 1991, pp. 6-7.


[ball] Eileen Daffern: Guardian 5 February 2012.

[ball] David Daiches: Bulletin 29 July 2005.

[ball] Howard Dalton: Telegraph 15 January 2008.

[ball] Rickie Dammann: This Week at Sussex 15 January 2024.

[ball] Herbert Dartnall: Bulletin 24 April 1998, p. 4.

[ball] Biplab Dasgupta: Wikipedia, accessed 7 July 2015.

[ball] Peter Dawber: Bulletin 4 June 1999, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2015.

[ball] Raymond Day: Falmer 36 (Winter 2001), p. 16.

[ball] Pauline Dearling: Bulletin 5 May 2000.

[ball] Mike Delves: Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) February 2011.

[ball] Pat Dennis: Suss-Ex Facebook 28 July 2023.

[ball] Giles Dickins: Staff Bulletin 9 January 2015.

[ball] Ron Dore: News, Japan Research Centre, SOAS, 15 November 2018; 'Ronald Dore, sociologist, 1925-2018', Financial Times, 27 November 2018.

[ball] Mary Dove: Bulletin 19 June 2009.

[ball] Jim Downey: Bulletin 17 January 1997.

[ball] Laurie Doyle: Bulletin 16 May 2003.

[ball] Gerald Draper: Bulletin 10 October 1989, p. 1; review by Michael Bothe of Reflections on Law and Armed Conflicts: the Selected Works on the Laws of War by the late Professor Colonel G.I.A.D. Draper OBE, International Review of the Red Cross 834, 30-06-1999.

[ball] Claire Duchen: Bulletin 5 May 2000, Falmer 33 (Summer 2000), p. 18.

[ball] François Duchêne: Bulletin 29 July 2005.

[ball] Sir James Duff: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, article 32919; Who Was Who 1961-1970. Chairman of the Academic Advisory Committee (1961) and the University's second Treasurer.

[ball] David Dyker: Staff Bulletin 15 June 2018.


[ball] Colin Eaborn: Bulletin 27 February 2004, Guardian 12 March 2004, Independent 26 April 2004, Times 17 March 2004; UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 10; Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 51(2005), 101-118.

[ball] Brian Easlea: Bulletin 7 December 2012, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.

[ball] Sue Eckstein: Staff Bulletin 15 November 2013.

[ball] Denis Edwards: Staff Page, accessed 26 August 2023.

[ball] Jamal Edwards: This is Sussex 25 February 2022.

[ball] Tom Elkins: Bulletin 29 April 1995, p. 4.

[ball] Phil Elliott: Bulletin 31 October 2008, Guardian 21 January 2009. See also P. Van Isacker, 'The scientific legacy of J.P. Elliott', Nuclear Physics A 850 (2011), 157-166.

[ball] Jack Ellis: Bulletin 14 May 1993, p. 1; Bulletin 11 June 1993, p. 3.

[ball] Manny Eppel: Bulletin 10 March 2006.

[ball] May Eppel: Newsletter 25, January 2013.

[ball] A. L. 'Bill' Epstein: Asia Pacific J. Anthropology 1.1 (2000), 111-129; Anthropology Today 16.1(2000), 22-25; American Anthropologist 102.4(2000), 858-860; Independent 23 October 2011; Guardian 11 February 2000 online.

[ball] Michael Eraut: Staff Bulletin 21 September 2018, Times 8 December 2018, p. 82, Argus 11 December 2018.

[ball] Misi Ertl: Newsletter 27, September 2013.

[ball] Dorothy Evans: Newsletter 58, February 2022.

[ball] John Evans: Bulletin 6 October 1987, p. 4.

[ball] Tony Evans: Newsletter 58, February 2022.

[ball] Walter Eysselinck: IMDb, accessed 7 July 2015.


[ball] Michael Faber: Times 7 April 2015.

[ball] Mary Farmer: Bulletin 23 April 1993, p. 2; Bulletin 7 May 1993, p. 3.

[ball] John Farrant: Lewes History Group Bulletin 139, February 2022.

[ball] Roger Fenn, retired Reader in Mathematics, died 1 January 2025.

[ball] John Field: This is Sussex 13 May 2022.

[ball] Sir Leslie Fielding: This is Sussex 11 March 2021; Times 17 March 2021 online; UACES Blog, 29 March 2021.

[ball] Martin Fisher: Staff Bulletin 24 April 2015.

[ball] John Fletcher: Bulletin 15 January 1999, p. 7.

[ball] Boris Ford: Bulletin 29 May 1998, Independent 27 May 1998.

[ball] Ludwig Edward Fraenkel: University of Bath Faculty of Science News 15th May 2019, London Mathematical Society Newsletter 483, July 2019, p. 45; Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society.

[ball] Tehmtan Framroze: Argus 10 January 2017.

[ball] Chris Freeman: The Legacy of Chris Freeman, SPRU History, accessed 30 October 2019, Newsletter 16, September 2010, Telegraph 7/8 September 2010, Guardian 8/9 September 2010, Bulletin 3 December 2010.

[ball] Pegotty Freeman: Bulletin 9 December 1974, p. 3.

[ball] Jack Frost: Bulletin 2 February 1973, p. 7.

[ball] John Fulton (Baron Fulton of Falmer): Bulletin 22 April 1986, p. 1; Bulletin 28 October 1986, p. 1; Bulletin 18 November 1986, p. 5.


[ball] Drew Gartland-Jones: Bulletin 19 November 2004.

[ball] Frank Geldart: Bulletin 21 June 2013.

[ball] Jerzy Giedymin: Bulletin 1 October 1993, p. 9; Independent 5 August 1993.

[ball] Frank Gloversmith: Newsletter 14, February 2010.

[ball] John Golds: Bulletin 4 January 2013.

[ball] Edward Goldstücker: Bulletin 17 November 2000.

[ball] Barry Gooch: Staff Bulletin 31 January 2014.

[ball] Brian Goodwin: Independent 31 July 2009, Guardian 10 August 2009, 20 August 2009.

[ball] Charles Gordon-Lennox (Duke of Richmond and Gordon): Staff Bulletin 8 September 2017; Times online 27 November 2017 [paywall]; Telegraph online 3 September 2017 [paywall].

[ball] Bruce Graham: Bulletin 2 November 2007, Newsletter 7, April 2008.

[ball] Sandy Grassie: Bulletin 30 November 2012, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.

[ball] Sandy Green: London Mathematical Society Newsletter 437, June 2014.

[ball] E. M. Gregory: Bulletin 5 October 1982, p. 6.

[ball] Ieuan Griffiths: Bulletin 8 April 2005.

[ball] Jo Grigg: Bulletin 6 September 2013.

[ball] Dick Grimsdale: Bulletin 16 December 2005.

[ball] John Grove: UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 13.

[ball] Richard Grove: This is Sussex 10 July 2020.

[ball] Ranajit Guha: Sussex in Focus 22 June 2023.

[ball] Jim Guild: Staff Bulletin 28 June 2019.

[ball] Victor Guinnane: Bulletin 3 December 2004.

[ball] John Gurney: Guardian online 29 December 2014, print 17 January 2015.

[ball] Gus (R. D.) Guthrie: Newsletter 26, May 2013.


[ball] Sergei Hackel: Bulletin 18 February 2005.

[ball] Joyce Haggar: Bulletin 9 October 1984, p. 3.

[ball] John Haigh: Guardian online 24 March 2021, print 12 May 2021; This is Sussex 9 April 2021; J. Roy. Statistical Soc. A: Statistics in Society 184.3(2021), 1146-1148.

[ball] Michael Hall: Guardian online 11 September 2012, print 10 October 2012.

[ball] Dennis Hamilton: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 25.3(1999).

[ball] Gordon Hammel: Bulletin 15 December 2006.

[ball] Jim Hanson: Staff Bulletin 12 October 2018; Natural Product Reports 2019, 36, 1496-1498. DOI: 10.1039/c9np90032b; Royal Society of Chemistry obituary archive; J. Chem. Res. 42(2018), p. 497; Bibliography.

[ball] David Harrison: Newsletter 56, June 2021; Guardian 18 June 2021 online; Fiji Times 10 April 2021.

[ball] John Harrison: Guardian 5 February 2018 online; print 8 February 2018.

[ball] Tom Harrisson: Bulletin 29 January 1976, p. 3.

[ball] Vivien Hart: Bulletin 6 March 2009.

[ball] Jonathan Harvey: Bulletin 7 December 2012, Guardian 5 December 2012, Telegraph 6 December 2012.

[ball] Jim Hatley: Bulletin 24 February 1987, p. 3.

[ball] Joseph Hazelden: Bulletin 15 October 1993, p. 3.

[ball] Malcolm Heggie: Loughborough University News 21 January 2019, Noticias, 18 de enero de 2019, Asociación Chilena de Materiales Carbonosos (Spanish), Staff Bulletin 1 February 2019.

[ball] László Heltay: Newsletter 51, February 2020, Newsletter 52, April 2020, Telegraph online 6 January 2020, Guardian online 9 March 2020, Brighton Festival Chorus.

[ball] Geoff Hemstedt: Bulletin 2 July 2004.

[ball] Peter Hennock: Urban History News 6.11, October 2012.

[ball] Fernando Henriques: Bulletin 15 June 1976, p. 3.

[ball] Paul Hershman: Bulletin 29 January 1976, p. 3.

[ball] Jim Hickman: Bulletin 5 May 1995, p. 3.

[ball] Stan Hildred: Bulletin 15 May 1998, p. 2.

[ball] Wendy Hildred: Bulletin 19 November 1999.

[ball] Colin Hill: Bulletin 31 January 1989, p.3.

[ball] Geoff Hockney: Bulletin 8 February 2008.

[ball] Matthew Hodgart: Bulletin 17 May 1996, p. 2.

[ball] Harold Hodson: Newsletter 56, June 2021.

[ball] Nancy Holmes: Newsletter 56, June 2021.

[ball] Margaret Homewood: Bulletin 1 October 1993, p. 3.

[ball] Andrew Hood: Bulletin 8 October 1999.

[ball] Stuart Hood: Guardian 22 December 2011, Montrose Review 28 February 2012.

[ball] Ray Howard: Staff Bulletin 22 August 2014, 29 August 2014.

[ball] Alun Howkins: Staff Bulletin 27 July 2018.

[ball] Maurice Hutt: Bulletin 24 May 2013, Times Higher Education 4 July 2013, Times 17 July and 27 August 2013.


[ball] Tony Inglis: Staff Bulletin 28 October 2016, Newsletter 38, November 2016.

[ball] Len Ilott: Bulletin 4 October 1983, p. 6.

[ball] Stella Isaacs, Marchioness of Reading: Focus 18, June 1971, p. 16.


[ball] Marie Jahoda: Bulletin 11 May 2001.

[ball] Vaughan James: Bulletin 31 July 2009, Newsletter 13, November 2009.

[ball] Bob Jamieson: Bulletin 12 December 1989, p. 1.

[ball] Michael Jamieson: Newsletter 54, Autumn 2020.

[ball] Douglas Jay: Bulletin 6 December 1972, p. 3.

[ball] Bhalchandra Vinayak 'Jay' Jayawant: Institution of Engineering Technology Member News 48(June 2018), p. 30.

[ball] Aubrey Jenkins: Newsletter 56, June 2021.

[ball] Daniel Jenkins: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

[ball] Peter Jerrard: Bulletin 27 February 2004.

[ball] Beynon John: Bulletin 24 April 2009.

[ball] Alan Johnson: Bulletin 11 January 1983, pp. 1, 3; UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 14.

[ball] V. A. Johnson: Bulletin 4 October 1983, p. 6.

[ball] Alison Jolly: Staff Bulletin 14 February 2014, Guardian 19 February 2014 (print version 22 February), Telegraph 20 February 2014, New York Times 18 February 2014 (print version 20 February), Times 21 February 2014.

[ball] Aubrey Jones: Bulletin 2 May 2003.

[ball] Rosemarie Jones: Bulletin 28 October 1992, p. 7; Bulletin 11 June 1993, p. 4.

[ball] Joseph Joy: Bulletin 23 April 1991, p. 6; Bulletin 28 May 1991, p. 7.


[ball] Emanuel de Kadt: Emeritus Professor of the University of Utrecht and former Deputy Director of the Institute of Development Studies. Obituary kindly supplied by IDS.

[ball] Paul Kaye: Bulletin 11 December 1984, p. 2.

[ball] Hugh Kearney: Guardian 25 October 2017 online, print 31 October 2017.

[ball] Rod Kedward: Sussex in Focus 25 May 2023; Guardian 22 May 2023 online.

[ball] Stuart Keir: Staff Bulletin 5 December 2014.

[ball] Dorothy 'Kenny' Kenefick: Newsletter 33, May 2015.

[ball] Dennis King: Bulletin 5 May 2000.

[ball] Lady Kingman: see Valerie Cromwell.

[ball] Lord Kingsland: see Christopher Prout.

[ball] Paul Kirby: Bulletin mid-February 1973.

[ball] Josephine Klein: Times 22 December 2018; Guardian online 26 December 2018, print 9 January 2019.

[ball] M. W. Knapman: Bulletin 8 January 1985, p. 3.

[ball] John Knight: Suss-Ex Facebook Group, posted 24 March 2024. John Knight, who was a member of technical staff, died 20 March 2024. In retirement he wrote a history of Hollingbury Park and Golf Club, published on the My Brighton and Hove website.

[ball] Tony Knight: London Mathematical Society Newsletter 445, March 2015, p. 35.

[ball] Sandra Koa Wing: Bulletin 18 May 2007; 2 May 2008.

[ball] Asher Korner: Focus 20, November 1971, p. 2.

[ball] Harry Kroto: Staff Bulletin 2 May 2016, Guardian 2 May 2016, Telegraph 2 May 2016, Times 4 May 2016, New York Times 4 May 2016, The Higher 5 May 2016, Independent 6 May 2016, Chemistry World 3 May 2016, 10 May 2016, Chemical and Engineering News 2 May 2016, Newsletter 37, May 2016; Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society


[ball] Eric Laithwaite: Independent 13 December 1997.

[ball] Willie Lamont: The Higher online 31 January 2019, print 1 February 2019; Staff Bulletin 1 February 2019.

[ball] David Lamper: Bulletin 15 December 2006.

[ball] Michael Land: Staff Bulletin 8 January 2021; Guardian 19 January 2021 online; Current Biology 31.8(2021), 361-364.

[ball] Wolfgang Lange: Bulletin 20 April 2012, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.

[ball] Michael Lappert: Staff Bulletin 4 April 2014, Independent 6 June 2014, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53, Issue 27, p. 6857, 1 July 2014, Staff Bulletin 10 April 2015; Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society 62(2016), 277-298, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2018, Bibliography.

[ball] Brian Law: Staff Bulletin 22 May 2015.

[ball] Greg Lawden: Newsletter 56, June 2021.

[ball] Jim Lawrie: Bulletin 27 June 2003.

[ball] Bob Laxton: London Mathematical Society Newsletter November 2002, p. 4.

[ball] Leila Leam: This is Sussex 27 January 2023.

[ball] Walter Ledermann: Bulletin 5 June 2009, Independent 1 June 2009, Times 19 June 2009, London Mathematical Society Newsletter 383, July 2009, p. 8, Jewish Chronicle 30 July 2009.

[ball] Robin Lee: Bulletin 11 June 2010.

[ball] Laurence Lerner: Staff Bulletin 29 January 2016, Newsletter 36, February 2016.

[ball] Jeannette Lever: Bulletin 17 November 2006.

[ball] Peter Lewis: Guardian 11 May 2018 online.

[ball] Richard Lewis: Bulletin 7 September 2007.

[ball] Peter Lindon: Staff Bulletin 6 April 2018.

[ball] Merle Lipton: The Argus 13 October 2022.

[ball] Michael Lipton: Institute of Development Studies announcement, 3 April 2023, Institute of Development Studies tributes, 3 April 2023, This Week at Sussex 24 April 2023, Guardian 18 April 2003; Old Haberdashers' obituaries, accessed 17 September 2024.

[ball] Barbara Lloyd: Bulletin 12 October 2012.

[ball] Sydney Lloyd: Bulletin 8 April 2005.

[ball] Ladislaus 'Laci' Löb: This is Sussex 22 October 2021; Newsletter 58, February 2022.

[ball] Geoff Lockwood: This Week at Sussex 18 December 2023.

[ball] Jenny Long: Staff Bulletin 14 November 2014.

[ball] Virginia Longley-Cook: Newsletter 22, February 2012.

[ball] Christopher Longuet-Higgins: Bulletin 23 April 2004.

[ball] Anthony Low: Staff Bulletin 27 February 2015.

[ball] John Lowerson: Bulletin 3 July 2009, Independent 26 August 2009, Times Higher Education 1 October 2009.

[ball] Norbert Lynton: Newsletter 7, April 2008, Bulletin 16 November 2007; Guardian 3 November 2007; Independent 7 November 2007; Times 6 November 2007; Telegraph 14 November 2007.

[ball] Sir John Lyons Biographical Memoirs XIX, British Academy; Alumni Front Court, Trinity Hall, Cambridge online, accessed 2 March 2021.


[ball] Charles Macdonald: Bulletin 3 August 2001.

[ball] Nancy Mackenzie: Staff Bulletin 28 July 2017.

[ball] Norman Mackenzie: Bulletin 21 June 2013, Guardian 24 June 2013 (print version 3 July) and 22 July 2013, New Statesman 26 June 2013, Telegraph 5 July 2013 (print version 6 July), Herald Scotland 16 July 2013, Newsletter 27, September 2013.

[ball] Isabel de Madariaga: Guardian 15 July 2014 (print version 19 July), Independent 19 July 2014.

[ball] John Mangold: Newsletter 36, February 2016.

[ball] Brian Manley: Staff Bulletin 9 January 2015.

[ball] Jack Manser: Bulletin 9 October 1984, p. 3; Bulletin 14 May 1985, p. 3.

[ball] Linda Marchant: Bulletin 19 November 1999.

[ball] Cas Markowiak: Bulletin 4 October 1983, p. 6.

[ball] Chris Marlin: Staff Bulletin 12 September 2014, Times Higher Education 25 September 2014.

[ball] Victoria Marrache: Sussex in Focus 9 May 2024.

[ball] Sally Marriott: Bulletin 22 November 1996.

[ball] Bob Marshall: Bulletin 22 October 1999, Falmer 32 (Winter 1999), p. 19.

[ball] Sybil Marshall: Bulletin 9 September 2005, Guardian 31 August 2005.

[ball] Pauline Marstrand: Suss-Ex Facebook Group, posted 15 January 2024.

[ball] Giuseppe Martelli: Bulletin 14 October 1994, p. 3, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016 (copy of Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 36(1995), 459-460).

[ball] Archer Martin: Bulletin 9 August 2002; UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 16; Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 50(2004), 157-170.

[ball] Len Martin: Bulletin 5 October 1982, p. 6.

[ball] Gerald Massé: Bulletin 16 October 1998, In brief.

[ball] Stephen Maxwell: The Herald (Glasgow) 27 April 2012.

[ball] John Maynard Smith: see under Smith

[ball] Sheila Maynard Smith: see under Smith

[ball] Peter Mayo: Bulletin 26 October 2012.

[ball] Tony McCaffery: Sussex in Focus 23 May 2024.

[ball] Frank McCapra: Suss-Ex Club, June 2023.

[ball] Sir William McCrea: Independent 30 April 1999, Creative Science Centre, The Observatory 119(1999), 254-256, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016; Bulletin 14 May 1999, p. 2; Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 53(2007), 223-236.

[ball] Margaret McGowan: This is Sussex 1 April 2022; Times 30 March 2022 online [paywall]; New York Times 1 April 2022 [paywall].

[ball] Stephen Medcalf: Newsletter 6, October 2007, Bulletin 5 October 2007; Independent 28 September 2007; Guardian 18 October 2007.

[ball] Gerald Meier: Stanford Daily 7 July 2011.

[ball] David Alan Mellor: Sussex in Focus 12 October 2023.

[ball] John Mepham: Bulletin 5 October 2012.

[ball] Leon Mestel: Staff Bulletin 22 September 2017; Guardian 20 September 2017 online, print 22 November 2017; Astronomy & Geophysics 58.6(2017), 6.10-6.11; see also an autobiographical piece Astronomy & Geophysics 53.5(2012), 5.17-5.18; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography; Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 70(2021), 335-358.

[ball] Tim Metham: Staff Bulletin 1 April 2016.

[ball] Keith Middlemas: Bulletin 19 July 2013, Times 7 August 2013.

[ball] Sir Jonathan Miller: Guardian 27 November 2019 online, print 28 November 2019, Independent 28 November 2019.

[ball] Donald Mitchell: Guardian 2 October 2017 online, print 10 October 2017.

[ball] Walter Monckton (Viscount Monckton of Brenchley): Bulletin, 19 January 1965; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/35061.

[ball] Roger Morgan: The Higher 19 March 2015.

[ball] Robin Murray: Guardian online 19 June 2017, print 23 June 2017.

[ball] John Murrell: Staff Bulletin 5 February 2016, Guardian 18 March 2016 online, 5 April 2016 print; Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society

[ball] Reg Mutter: Bulletin 4 January 2013.


[ball] Dave Newell: Staff Bulletin 15 March 2019.

[ball] Glen Newey: Guardian online 12 October 2017, print 9 November 2017 Other Lives; LRB Blog (London Review of Books) 2 October 2017.

[ball] Fred Newman: Guardian 20 November 2008, Times 25 November 2008, Telegraph 20 November 2008.

[ball] Brian Nicholas: Bulletin 7 February 2003.

[ball] Michael Nicholson: Bulletin 2 November 2001.

[ball] Peter Nidditch: The Hume Society, accessed 3 February 2015.

[ball] Brian Nisbet: Staff Bulletin 5 June 2015.

[ball] Ann Norman: Brighton & Hove News 13 June 2022; The Argus 13 June 2022.

[ball] Pat Norton: Bulletin 17 June 1980, p. 1.

[ball] Tony Nuttall: Newsletter 4, March 2007, In Memoriam, Bulletin 9 February 2007, Proceedings of the British Academy 161(2009), 313-330.


[ball] Derek Oldfield: Newsletter 7, April 2008, Newsletter 8, June 2008, Bulletin 4 April 2008, Guardian Other Lives, 3 June 2008.

[ball] Geoffrey Oldham: Staff Bulletin 10 November 2017, Newsletter 41, November 2017, Commemorating the Life and Work of Geoff Oldham, SPRU History, accessed 30 October 2019.

[ball] Paddy O'Reilly: Bulletin 14 May 2010, Newsletter 16, September 2010.

[ball] Luigi Orsenigo: Staff Bulletin 4 May 2018.

[ball] David Osmond-Smith: Glyndebourne on Tour Programme Book 2007, Bulletin 15 June 2007, Newsletter 6, October 2007; Guardian 22 June 2007; Independent 13 June 2007; Times 27 June 2007.

[ball] Mike Owen: Staff Bulletin 14 January 2022, Newsletter 58, February 2022.


[ball] Bernard Pagel: Bulletin 27 July 2007.

[ball] Helmut Otto Pappé 1907-1998: no obituary found. His papers are archived in Sussex University Special Collections; see Introduction and Catalogue.

[ball] Steve Parker: Bulletin 8 April 2005.

[ball] Alan Parkin: Bulletin 19 November 1999, Falmer 32 (Winter 1999), p. 19.

[ball] Bill Parry: Guardian 13 October 2006, Independent 8 September 2006, MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive.

[ball] Keith Pavitt: Bulletin 10 January 2003; Independent 31 January 2003.

[ball] Brian Pedley: Bulletin 17 June 2005; UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 18.

[ball] Eric Peeling: Bulletin 22 April 2005; UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 20.

[ball] Jenny Pendlebury: Bulletin 20 November 1998.

[ball] Mike Pendlebury: Staff Bulletin 11 September 2015, Guardian 23 September 2015, (print version 29 September), History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.

[ball] Michael Penston: Bulletin 29 January 1991, p. 4.

[ball] Julian Perry Robinson: see under Robinson

[ball] Mike Pettett: Bulletin 9 October 1991, p. 6.

[ball] John Pickering: Wikipedia accessed 9 July 2018.

[ball] David Pocock: Newsletter 7, April 2008; Guardian 24 January 2008, letter 2 February 2008.

[ball] Arthur Pollard: Bulletin 9 October 1991, p. 6.

[ball] Magdalena Portmann: Newsletter 59, November 2022.

[ball] John Postgate: Staff Bulletin 31 October 2014, Guardian 10 November 2014, amended 14 November (print version 26 November).

[ball] Sebastian Poulter: Wikipedia, accessed 7 July 2015.

[ball] Graham Pratt: Bulletin 31 January 1989, p.3; UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 22.

[ball] Stephen Prickett: Newsletter 54, Autumn 2020.

[ball] Norman Priestley: Bulletin 30 January 1990, p. 3.

[ball] Christopher Prout (Baron Kingsland of Shropshire): Times 14 July 2009, Guardian 21 July 2009.



[ball] Michael Radcliffe: History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.

[ball] Charles Ransom: Bulletin 7 October 1986, p. 3.

[ball] Chris Ravilious: Newsletter 37, May 2016.

[ball] Marchioness of Reading: see Stella Isaacs.

[ball] George Rehin: Newsletter 11, February 2009.

[ball] Kirin Reval: Bulletin 9 January 1998, p. 2.

[ball] Margot Richardson: Bulletin 8 April 2011, Guardian Other Lives, 30 March 2011.

[ball] Duke of Richmond and Gordon: see Charles Gordon-Lennox.

[ball] Leslie Ricketts: Bulletin 9 October 1990, p. 2.

[ball] John Riddington: Newsletter 22, February 2012.

[ball] Lionel Ripley: Staff Bulletin 24 January 2014.

[ball] Pat Rivett: Independent 18 August 2005.

[ball] Brian Roberts: Bulletin 14 September 2001.

[ball] Derek Robinson: J. Roy. Statistical Soc. A: Statistics in Society 185.2(2022), 722-723.

[ball] Julian Perry Robinson: In Memory of Julian Perry Robinson, SPRU History, accessed 10 May 2020; Guardian, online 8 May 2020, Newsletter 53, Summer 2020.

[ball] Ruth Rogers: Guardian Other Lives, online 15 March 2019, print 1 April 2019; Newsletter 47, late Spring 2019.

[ball] Steve Rogers: This is Sussex 26 June 2020, Newsletter 53, Summer 2020.

[ball] John Rohl: This is Sussex 11 December 2023.

[ball] Gillian Rose: Bulletin 12 January 1996, p. 5; Radical Philosophy RP 077 (May/June 1996).

[ball] Eric Roseberry: Independent 9 March 2012.

[ball] Angus Ross: Bulletin 3 February 2017, Guardian Other Lives, 30 January 2017.

[ball] John Rosselli: Falmer 35 (Summer 2001), p. 16; Guardian online, 19 January 2001.

[ball] Guy Routh: Bulletin 3 February 1993, p. 6; Newsletter 22, February 2012.

[ball] Garry Runciman (Viscount Runciman of Doxford): Trinity College Cambridge, accessed 23 December 2020; Times, 21 December 2020; Telegraph, 22 December 2020; Child Poverty Action Group, 21 December 2020; Guardian 31 December 2020 online, 4 January 2021 print.

[ball] John Russell Brown: see under Brown

[ball] Terrie Russell (Stubbs): Bulletin 3 November 2000.

[ball] Christopher Ryan: Bulletin 12 March 2004.

[ball] Anthony Ryle: British Medical Journal 2016;355:i6011 (8 November 2016); Guardian 15 November 2016, (print version 29 November).


[ball] Gamini Salgado: Bulletin 25 June 1985, p. 7; see also 'Finding Ceylon in 1693: remembering Gamini Salgado' by John Simons, pp. 49-58 of Picturing South Asian Culture in English: Textual and Visual Representations, ed. T. Shakur, K. d'Souza. Liverpool: Open House Press, 2003. ISBN-13: 978-0954446307.

[ball] Eric Sanderson: Bulletin 8 October 1985, p. 2.

[ball] Bob Sang: Guardian 2 July 2009.

[ball] Jimmy Sang: Bulletin 22 February 2002.

[ball] Christopher Saunders: Bulletin 28 January 2000.

[ball] Mike Scaife: Bulletin 11 January 2002.

[ball] Bernard Schaffer: Bulletin 15 May 1984, p. 5

[ball] Sheila Schaffer: Bulletin 15 January 2010, Newsletter 14, February 2010, Argus 4 January 2010, Argus (letter) 6 January 2010, Argus (letter) 13 January 2010, Guardian 19 March 2010.

[ball] Dietrich Scheunemann: Bulletin 17 June 2005.

[ball] Frank Schofield: Bulletin 24 November 1995, p. 2.

[ball] Gene Schulkind: Bulletin 24 April 1990, p. 3.

[ball] Bernard Scott: Bulletin 12 November 1993, p. 2; Bulletin 19 November 1993, p. 2; Independent 18 December 1993.

[ball] Ian Scott: UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 24.

[ball] Jo Scott: Bulletin 13 January 2006, 9 February 2007.

[ball] John F. Scott: La Trobe University 1 May 2023; The Age, Melbourne 10 May 2023; This Week at Sussex 7 August 2023; Suss-Ex Club (a fuller version of the preceding).

[ball] Maggie Scroggins: Staff Bulletin 8 November 2013.

[ball] Dorothy Scruton: Newsletter 59, November 2022.

[ball] Kenneth Seddon: Staff Bulletin 2 February 2018, Guardian online 23 February 2018, print 2 April 2018.

[ball] Dudley Seers: Bulletin 19 April 1983, p. 2.

[ball] Peter Senker: Sussex in Focus 24 October 2024.

[ball] Frederick Shadforth: Bulletin 29 October 1985, p. 4.

[ball] Ron Shaughnessy: Bulletin 15 January 1999, p. 7.

[ball] Hartley Shawcross: Bulletin 25 July 2003.

[ball] Joanna Sheldon: Bulletin 4 February 1986, p. 4.

[ball] James Shiel: Newsletter 16, September 2010, Newsletter 18, February 2011.

[ball] Barbara Shields: Staff Bulletin 17 February 2017; Newsletter 40, May 2017.

[ball] Ted Shields: Bulletin 18 June 1991, p. 3.

[ball] Wendy Ship: Falmer 37 (Summer 2002), p. 16.

[ball] Roger Silverstone: Guardian 21 July 2006, Independent 20 July 2006.

[ball] John Simmonds: Newsletter 11, February 2009, Bulletin 6 February 2009, Sussex Express 22 January 2009.

[ball] George Sim: Newsletter 58, February 2022.

[ball] Peter Simmonds: Staff Bulletin 5 December 2014.

[ball] Anthony Simpson: Newsletter 55, January 2021.

[ball] Colin Simpson: UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 27.

[ball] Peter Simpson: UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 29.

[ball] Alan Sinfield: Staff Bulletin 8 December 2017.

[ball] Hans Singer: Bulletin 10 March 2006, 6 October 2006.

[ball] Madge Sirett: Bulletin 20 May 1980, p. 1.

[ball] Lisa Smirl: Bulletin 1 March 2013.

[ball] Brian Smith: Bulletin 22 May 2009, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.

[ball] John Smith: Bulletin 12 November 1993, p. 2.

[ball] John Maynard Smith: Bulletin 23 April 2004, 7 May 2004, Falmer 40 (Summer 2004), p. 19; Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 51(2005), 253-265.

[ball] Ken Smith: Bulletin 20 April 2012, Guardian 9 May 2012 (online), 23 May 2012 (print edition), History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016.

[ball] Sharon Smith: Bulletin 25 March 2011.

[ball] Sheila Maynard Smith: Bulletin 9 September 2005.

[ball] Joseph Soggiu: Bulletin 9 September 2005.

[ball] Lucy Solomon: Staff Bulletin 17 April 2015.

[ball] Audrey Souter: Bulletin 1 March 1988, p. 2.

[ball] Alan Soutter: Newsletter 59, November 2022 (Tribute); This is Sussex 11 December 2023.

[ball] Sir Basil Spence: Bulletin 30 November 1976, p. 3.

[ball] Timothy Sprigge: Newsletter 6, October 2007, Bulletin 27 July 2007; Guardian 4 September 2007; Scotsman 24 July 2007, 14 September 2007; Telegraph 19 September 2007; Times 6 September 2007.

[ball] Nigel Stannard: Bulletin 1 November 2002.

[ball] Jeff Stewart: Bulletin 3 June 1980, p. 1.

[ball] Phyllida Stewart-Roberts: Staff Bulletin 26 August 2016.

[ball] Peter Stone: Newsletter 59, November 2022.

[ball] William Stone: Bulletin 2 December 1980, p. 1.

[ball] David Storey: This Week at Sussex 31 July 2023.

[ball] Brian Street: Royal Anthropological Institute Obituary by Alice Street; Royal Anthropological Institute Obituary by Janet Maybin; Anthropology Today 33.4(2017), 23.

[ball] Robin Street: In Memoriam, Bulletin 1 June 2007.

[ball] John Surrey: Newsletter 13, November 2009, Bulletin 6 November 2009.

[ball] James Sutcliffe: Bulletin 21 June 1983, p. 5.

[ball] Stuart Sutherland: Bulletin 20 November 1998.

[ball] Stanislaw Swierczkowski: MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, Wikipedia, accessed 3 March 2019.

[ball] Margaret (Peggy) Sykes: Bulletin 9 January 1998, p. 2.

[ball] Neville Symonds: Staff Bulletin 4 April 2014.

[ball] Edward Szczepanik: Guardian 19 December 2005.


[ball] Puay Tang: Staff Bulletin 14 December 2018, In Memory of Puay Tang, SPRU History, accessed 30 October 2019.

[ball] Roger Tant: Newsletter 59, November 2022.

[ball] Roger Tayler: Bulletin 31 January 1997, History of Physics and Astronomy at Sussex wiki, accessed 9 November 2016; Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 44(1998), 405-416.

[ball] Audrey Taylor: Bulletin 7 October 1992, p. 10.

[ball] Brian Taylor: Newsletter 38, November 2016.

[ball] Roger Taylor: Bulletin 10 February 2006; UoS Biographical Archive: Chemistry, p. 31.

[ball] Ronald Taylor: Bulletin 4 January 2013.

[ball] Pat Tear: Bulletin 10 January 1997, 17 January 1997.

[ball] Don Thomas: Guardian Science: Biology, 'Other Lives', online 4 April 2017, print 8 April 2017; Newsletter 40, May 2017.

[ball] Peter Thomas: This week at Sussex 29 July 2024.

[ball] Robert Thomas: Royal Society of Chemistry Obituaries 2019.

[ball] Low Thomson: Staff Bulletin 8 October 2016, Newsletter 38, November 2016.

[ball] Patricia Thomson: Bulletin 11 December 1990, p. 4.

[ball] Tony Thorlby: Newsletter 33, May 2015.

[ball] Christopher Thorne: Bulletin 29 April 1992, p. 6; Bulletin 12 July 1993, p. 3; see also 1996 Lectures and Memoirs (Proceedings of the British Academy 94(1997)), 753-767.

[ball] Julian Thorpe: Newsletter 59, November 2022.

[ball] Edward (Ted) Timms: Staff Bulletin 21 December 2018, Guardian Education 'Other Lives', online 27 December 2018, print 2 January 2019; Biographical Memoirs XVIII, British Academy, pp. 275-287.

[ball] Malcolm Topping: Staff Bulletin 27 June 2014.

[ball] Joe Townsend: Bulletin 31 May 2002, 28 June 2002.

[ball] Anthony Trafford (Baron Trafford of Falmer): Bulletin 10 October 1989, p. 1, Royal College of Physicians Lives of the Fellows Vol. IX.

[ball] Larry Trask: Bulletin 23 April 2004, 6 May 2005.

[ball] Tom Troscianko: Times Higher Education 16 December 2011.

[ball] Brian Trustrum: Isle of Man Today 12 December 2019, Newsletter 51, February 2020.

[ball] Nick von Tunzelmann: In Memory of Nick von Tunzelmann, SPRU History, accessed 28 October 2019.

[ball] Charlie Tyler: Bulletin 10 July 1998, p. 3.


[ball] Peter Unsworth: Staff Bulletin 16 May 2014.

[ball] Albert Uttley: Bulletin 8 October 1985, p. 2; Bulletin 29 October 1985, p. 4.


[ball] Steven Vajda: Bulletin 12 January 1996, p. 5; MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive.

[ball] John Venables: This Week at Sussex 7 August 2023.

[ball] Lizzie Verrall: Bulletin 25 July 2008.


[ball] Clive Wainwright: Falmer 32 (Winter 1999), p. 19.

[ball] David Wall: Bulletin 5 October 2007.

[ball] David Walton: Staff Bulletin 9 May 2014.

[ball] Gilford Ward: Bulletin 28 November 2008.

[ball] Michael Ward: Guardian 13 November 2008.

[ball] Len Warner: Bulletin 23 April 1985, p. 3.

[ball] Neil Warren: Bulletin 5 October 1982, p. 6.

[ball] Sir David Watson: Staff Bulletin 13 February 2015.

[ball] Cedric Watts: This is Sussex 8 July 2022.

[ball] Gerald Webster: This is Sussex 16 April 2021.

[ball] John Weeks: Guardian 24 August 2020 online, print 30 September 2020.

[ball] Peter Weinreich: The Psychologist 29(December 2016), 893; Identity Exploration Ltd News Archive, May 2016.

[ball] Alan Weir: Bulletin 23 January 2009.

[ball] Maureen Weller, Newsletter 17, November 2010.

[ball] Tina Wells: This is Sussex 1 July 2022.

[ball] John Clifford West, Royal Academy of Engineering Appreciation of Past Fellows 2016; Institution of Engineering Technology Member News 45, August 2017; IET Control Theory & Applications 12.6(2018), 707-709.

[ball] Neville West: Bulletin 23 April 1999, p. 2.

[ball] Sheila Wheatland: Bulletin 12 May 1987, p. 3.

[ball] Tom Whiston: Bulletin 8 May 2009, Manchester Evening News 24 April 2009, Guardian 'Other Lives' 7 November 2009.

[ball] Alan White: Bulletin 20 April 1976, p. 3.

[ball] Allon White: Bulletin 21 June 1988, p. 6; Bulletin 15 November 1988, p. 7.

[ball] Gordon White: Bulletin 24 April 1998, p. 4.

[ball] Ron White: Bulletin 12 January 1996, p. 5.

[ball] Marilyn Whitehouse-Yeo: Bulletin 15 December 2006.

[ball] Ken Whittington: Staff Bulletin 22 June 2018..

[ball] Robert Whittle, Newsletter 17, November 2010, Newsletter 18, February 2011.

[ball] Elizabeth Whittome: see Betty Catling.

[ball] Peter Wicks: Bulletin 11 June 1993, p. 4.

[ball] Martin Wight: Bulletin 29 September 1972, 13 October 1972.

[ball] Sir Denys Wilkinson: Staff Bulletin 29 April 2016, Guardian 9 May 2016 (print version 25 May).

[ball] Rupert Wilkinson: Staff Bulletin 30 January 2015, Guardian online 1 February 2015, print 9 March 2015.

[ball] Catherine Will: Sussex in Focus 30 January 2025.

[ball] Owen Williams: Bulletin 25 October 1988, p. 3.

[ball] Rendel Williams: Lewes History Group Bulletin 139, February 2022.

[ball] Trevor Williams: Bulletin 31 May 1988, p. 3.

[ball] Keith Wilson: Bulletin 8 October 2010.

[ball] Donald Winch: Staff Bulletin 16 June 2017, Guardian online 23 June 2017, print 28 July 2017; Biographical Memoirs XVIII, British Academy, pp. 471-496.

[ball] Anne Winterhalter: Staff Bulletin 12 September 2014.

[ball] Elizabeth Wiskemann: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/31848.

[ball] Donald Wood: Bulletin 7 February 2003.

[ball] Tim Wood: Staff Bulletin 18 January 2019.

[ball] Ted Woolford: Bulletin 28 February 1975, p. 4.

[ball] Peter Wright: Bulletin 3 August 2001.

[ball] Shirley Wright: Guardian 24 December 2021 online.





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