PhDs at the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Information Science and Technologies at the University of Sussex (2024)

The University of Sussex, in partnership with the University of Bristol, has launched the new EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Information Science and Technologies (QIST) funded via the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Our QIST Centre for Doctoral Training welcomes candidates with backgrounds in physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science or chemistry.

What you get

The scholarships cover 4 years of:

-  Maintenance allowance above UK Research Council rates – £20,237 in 2024-5

- PhD fees

- Research and training allowance

Type of award

PhD Studentship

PhD project

Whether you're an engineer with an interest in quantum computing, a physicist with a passion for practical technologies or a mathematician with an aptitude for experimental work, this programme is the next step to a successful career in quantum technologies.

This programme is the next step to a successful career in quantum technologies, whether you are interested in : 

  • developing and constructing practical quantum computers
  • developing quantum algorithms and quantum error correction
  • developing quantum networks 
  • building and testing quantum sensors 
  • learning and demonstrating the modelling power of quantum simulators 

Our QIST CDT at Sussex, brings together eight research groups which are harnessing and exploiting quantum physics research in order to create transformational commercial products with the potential to change the way we live and work.

We work with leading industry partners in commercialising our ground-breaking research. Quantum technologies will provide disruptive capabilities for numerous applications across a range of sectors.

Our specialised facilities and expertise are unique and have given rise to many world firsts. Our Doctoral and Industry Training Academy provides authentic quantum technology training, with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and engineering excellence.


Our Programme


Developed and delivered by a leading team of academics and industrial partners, this programme will provide unique cross-disciplinary training in experimental and theoretical quantum information and quantum technologies, and specialised training in entrepreneurship, project management, collaborative working, responsible research and innovation (RRI), science policy, and communication skills.

Our new doctoral programme has been designed in collaboration with a large number of leading academic and industry experts. It encompasses both the theoretical understanding and the practical application of quantum physics, and offers a breadth of opportunities for discussion, engagement and peer-to-peer learning.

Our programme offers much more than a regular PhD; starting with a first exploratory year of theoretical and practical units offered at Bristol and at Sussex, underpinned by a critical mass of experts from both universities and beyond, with a strong component of soft-skills training through the 4-years, all enhanced by a cohort model that promotes early career collaborative research and networking.

Postgraduate researchers at Sussex and Bristol will benefit from:

  • Guided and self-inspired learning with a broad range of PhD research projects available
  • Experience of practical application as well as a sound theoretical understanding of quantum physics
  • Developing complementary skills – such as commercialisation and science communication – necessary for academic and industrial excellence
  • Access to an international network of world-class academic and industrial collaborators
  • Industry trip to USA to visit companies and research labs working in the quantum field
  • Financial support for academic and industrial secondments
  • Opportunity and funding to attend international and national conferences
  • A cohort approach to learning, enabling students to learn from each other in a rapidly evolving field
  • Access to a broad technology base and state-of-the-art facilities at Sussex and Bristol


Applicants should have at least an upper-second class degree in a relevant subject (or equivalent qualification).

Scholarships are available for UK candidates only in this round.

UK candidates include UK nationals resident in the UK for the last 3 years and EU nationals with pre/settled status in the UK . Candidates requiring a visa to study in the UK are not eligible.

Applications are particularly welcomed from UK candidates with protected characteristics – e.g., from Black and other ethnic minorities who are under-represented in postgraduate research at our institution.


15 August 2024 23:45

How to apply

Please follow the guidelines below on how to apply to our new four-year QIST PhD programme: 

Apply on our Postgraduate Admissions system here 

  • Start a new application and choose Physics (PhD) start date September 2024 
  • In the “Finances/Funding” field write “QIST PhD”  
  • Upload all required documents (CV, personal statement, degree certificates and transcripts and English Language Certificate is applicable) 

Contact us

For further information about the programme at Sussex contact Prof Winfried Hensinger

For questions about the application form contact


Deadline for applications: 15 August 2024

Visit/Interview days: 20 August 2024

Offers made: 26 August 2024


At level(s):
PG (research)

Application deadline:
15 August 2024 23:45 (GMT)


The award is available to people from the following country: