Sussex Estates and Facilities

Where to park on campus

As part of the ongoing West Slope development, parking availability around the north end and residential areas of campus is currently reduced.

Upcoming changes around the West Slope development and impacts to transport and car parking will continue to be shared via the Weekly Transport Update on the Transport webpages.

Car parkTotal spacesDisabled spacesCarer spacesVisitor parking
P1 Science car park 472 13 25  -
P3 Biology Road 81 6 For BSMS reservations only 
P4 Sussex House  107 4 Yes
P5 Sport Centre
125 2 - Yes
P6 Ridge Car Park 150 - -
P7 Jubilee multi-storey 343 12 - Yes
P7a Upper Arts
91 -
P10 Falmer Sports Complex
35 1 - Yes
P11 Knights Gate car park 60 2 - For CISC reservations only

See the campus map for more detailed parking locations. A map is available to show how long it takes to walk across campus from different locations.

All campus car parks are open for parking to all staff - and to students who meet the eligibility criteria - on a "first come, first to occupy" basis. We encourage drivers to be flexible in using the campus car parks that are available, rather than focusing on the one closest to their place of work or study. Please park only within designated bays, staying within the line markings.

Visitor parking is available in the car parks as listed above. More information is available on the visitor parking page.

Please be aware that parking outside residences is not permitted, e.g. in East Slope and Northfield, except to briefly load and unload belongings. Vehicles parked outside of residences when not unloading are subject to receive a Parking Charge Notice (PCN). Please use campus visitor parking for longer stays.

Campus developments and works

Construction and improvement works on campus over the next few years will continue to place pressure on the number of parking spaces. The overall number of car parking spaces on campus will be maintained at existing levels through the redevelopment of existing provision.

Planning constraints imposed by Brighton & Hove City Council mean the total number of parking spaces on campus cannot increase. 

The availability of parking spaces may be affected by ongoing works and maintenance. The weekly transport update contains up-to-date information on any works that affect parking and driving on campus.

Respect our neighbours

Do not park in Falmer village, Coldean or Stanmer Park (where the car parks are for park users only). These areas are subject to parking enforcement by the local authority, and are not for members of the campus community.