Use the online spreadsheet below to enter your sociogram data. For each pupil, include:
Pupil code
Pupil name (optional)
Codes for up to three most-like nominations (ml1, ml2, and ml3)
Codes for up to three least-like nominations (ll1, ll2, and ll3)
Then click the Get Analysis button to view the results.
Please note that you can use ctrl+v or cmd+v to paste copied data (e.g.,
from an existing spreadsheet) into the table.
Right-click on the table for other options.
The table shows the total number of Most-Liked and Least-Liked nominations received by each pupil.
Click on the 'Show z scores' button to reveal standardised scores (z scores) for these counts.
A standardised score of 0 means the pupil received the average number of nominations for the class.
A standardised score of 1 means the pupil received one standard deviation more than the average for the class.
A standardised score of -1 means the pupil received one standard deviation less than the average for the class.
Show z scores
This is a sociogram, where each pupil is identified by an oval node and arrows between pupils indicate positive peer nominations (i.e.,
nominating a classmate as most-liked). Double-headed arrows between pupils indicate reciprocal positive nominations.
You can use the dropdown 'Labels' menu to display either the first names or code numbers
entered in the survey. You can also move the nodes around manually to customise the presentation of the sociogram
if desired (note that the pattern of nominations and colour coding will be unaffected by this). Each sociogram
can be downloaded to your computer as an image file by clicking on the 'Download as image' link. Please ensure that any downloaded
files are stored securely in line with your organisation's data protection policy.
For a standard sociogram, you should select 'Status' from the 'Mode' menu.
If you choose this option, the colour of each oval indicates the traditional sociometric category for each pupil:
Popular (coloured green): received high numbers of ML nominations and low numbers of LL nominations. The majority of pupils with this classification tend to be prosocial, showing socially competent behaviour.
Rejected (coloured grey): received low numbers of ML nominations and high numbers of LL nominations. This is considered to be the most 'at-risk' peer status classification, as it is often associated with externalising and/or internalising problems. This also tends to be the most stable peer status classification, with some pupils experiencing multiple years of peer rejection. Further assessment of these pupils, measuring their feelings and their patterns of thinking, will be important for supporting these pupils' development in targeted work. In addition, the links in the sociogram will provide valuable information for supporting and managing these pupils in groupwork.
Controversial (coloured orange): received high numbers of ML nominations and high numbers of LL nominations. This classification tends to be less stable, but pupils falling into this category can be highly influential. They are often dominant characters who are perceived to be highly popular, yet they may be aggressive, disruptive, and even intimidating. Because of their influence, work with these pupils can have a substantial impact on the classroom ethos.
Neglected (coloured pink): received low numbers of ML nominations and low numbers of LL nominations. This classification is generally seen as less problematic than the Rejected category. Research often finds that these pupils -- despite having low social impact -- are well-adjusted, although they may have a reputation for shyness.
Please bear in mind that the peer status allocations are based on statistical cutoffs. There
may be other pupils in the class/group who fall just short of the threshold for one of these
peer status categories.
You can select 'Most Liked' or 'Least Liked' from the 'Mode' menu in order to see the same sociogram
colour-coded specifically in terms of how frequently each pupil was selected as most-liked or least-liked
in comparison with his or her classmates.