School of Life Sciences

Crossley Lab


Research in the Crossley lab falls broadly under the umbrella of organometallic chemistry and is primarily concerned with the development and study of electronically distinctive molecules at the transition metal / main group interface.   We are particularly interested in molecules that challenge traditional models of chemical structure and reactivity, both from an academic standpoint, and their hitherto unrealised potential for synthetic and materials science. 

Current projects are focused on developing synthetic routes to novel, highly conjugated, organometallics doped with low-coordinate phosphorus centres, as part of the widespread effort toward realising 'molecular-scale wires'.

Other areas of research include: i) development of ambiphilic chelates for small-molecule activation, ii) preparation and study of reactive polyphosphanes, for exploitation in chemical synthesis.

PhD Studentship Opportunity(as part of an EPSRC DLA competition)

Our work is supported by:
Royal SocietyLeverhulme TrustEngineering and Physical Science Research Council


Dr Ian Crossley

Associate Professor in Inorganic Chemistry

University of Sussex
Chichester III Building
Brighton, BN1 9QJ

T +44 1273 877302

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