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Worktown Collection (1937-40)
Box 36: Cinema Observations
36/A Cinema
"The Cinema", ts, 10pp, 18.11.37, PMJ, a synopsis
"Cinema Research", ms/ts, 8pp, research notes and background material
Untitled document, ts/ms, 2pp, details of how research is to be carried out, with specimen letter to cinema managers
"Paladium Cinema Goers", ms, 2pp, 1938, list of name, address, age and days of visits by cinema goers
"Odeon", ms, 17pp, chart with details of cinema goers
"Crompton", ms, 6pp, chart with details of cinema goers
"Paladium", ms, 7pp, chart with details of cinema goers
Letter from Stuart Legg, the Film Council, to THH, ts, 2pp, 27.10.37, advising him how to get hold of film scripts and ideas to help with the research
Letter from Oscar Deutsch, Chairman, Odeon Theatres Ltd., to John Martin-Jones, ts, 1p, 22.11.37, agreeing to co-operate with the research work in Bolton
Letter from Richard R. Ford, Publicity, Odeon Theatres Ltd., to John Martin-Jones, ts, 1p, 23.11.37, arranging an appointment to meet
Letter from Richard R. Ford, to John Martin-Jones, ts, 1p, 25.11.37, confirming appointment
Letter from Richard R. Ford, to John Martin-Jones, ts, 1p, 27.11.37, confirming arrangements discussed at their meeting
Letter from Blackshaw, Sykes and Morris, Printers and Bookbinders, to THH, ts, 1p, 2.12.37 quoted figures from printing, questionnaire proof copy attached
Letter from Richard R. Ford, Publicity, Odeon Theatres Ltd., THH, ts, 2pp, 15.2.38, commenting on draft questionnaire
Letter from J.E. Hobbs, Manager, Queen's Picture House to the Editor of the Bolton Citizen, ts, 1p, 16.2.38, criticising an article in an issue of the newspaper, [attached ts, 2pp, copy article for next edition of the newspaper]
Card, ms, reference to Mrs Carr's regular visits to the cinema, and occasional visits to wrestling
"Cinema Talks Enquiry", article from The Listener, 15.12.37
Misc, ms, 5pp
36/B Cinema going
- Observer accounts
- "Crompton Cinema, Crompton Way, Bolton", ts, 1p, FT
- "Theatre Royal Cinema", ms, 1p, 24.4.[?], THH
- "Binkie Stewart (England's Shirley Temple)", ts, 3pp, 22.5.37, JB
- "Hippodrome", ms, 1p, 28.7.[?], LT
- Untitled document, ms, 1p, 13.8.[?], PJ, overheard comment about the Odeon
- "Odeon Cinema opening", ts, 6pp, 21.8.[?], THH
- "Odeon Cinema", ms, 27pp, 21.8.[?], JW
- "Capitol Cinema", ts, 6pp, 14.10.37, JM-J
- "Palladium", ts, 1p, 18.11.37, JM-J
- "New Royal", ts, 2pp, 18.11.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
- "Results of talk with Ford at Odeon", ts, 1p, 27.11.37, JM-J
- "Capitol", ts, 2pp, 30.11.37, JM-J
- "Palladium - Hours of Performance", ts, 1p, 1.12.37, JM-J
- "Palladium", ts, 1p, 1.12.37, JM-J
- "Manager of Odeon", ts, 1p, 1.12.37, JM-J
- "Staffing Odeon", ts, 1p, 2.12.37, JM-J
- "Mr Stringfellow says No", ts, 2pp, 3.12.37, JM-J
- "New Royal", ts, 1p, 3.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
- "Palladium", ts, 2pp, 4.12.37, interview with the manager
- "Palladium Staffing", ts, 4.12.37, JM-J
- "Palladium", ts, 2pp, 6.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
- "New Royal", ts, 2pp, 7.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
- "Odeon", ts, 2pp, 7.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
- "Palladium", ts, 1p, 9.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
- "Palladium", ts, 2pp, JM-J, brief details of owner, seating capacity of cinema
- "Cinema Managers", ms, 2pp, 16.12.37, WLW, conversations with 10 managers
- Untitled document, ms, 8pp, 14.3.38-23.3.38, counts
- "Theatres and Cinemas. Xmas", ts, 1p, 14.12.38
- "Interview with Hull of the Embassy Cinema", ts, 4pp, GT
- "Interview with Elward of the Lido", ts, 2pp, 16.12.38
- "Odeon Cinema: Reaction to Newsreel", ts,1p, 8.11.39, JC
- "Odeon Cinema Newsreel", ts, 2pp, 9.11.39, GT
- "Odeon Bolton", ts, 1p, 16.11.39, GT
- "Odeon: Bolton", ts, 1p, 27.11.39, GT
- "The Odeon Cinema", ts, 1p, 5.12.39, GT
- "Xmas Entertainment", ts, 8pp, 4.1.40, AH, conversations with staff at 7 cinemas
- "Palladium Cinema", ts, 3pp, 17.2.40, AH
- "Paladium Cinema", ts, 1p, 26.2.40, HN
- "Films Bolton", ts, 5pp, 30.7.40, AH, the Odeon cinema
- "Theatre Royal", ts, 6pp, 6.8.40, BA
- "Bolton Cinema", ts, 5pp, 22.8.40, BA
- "Odeon", ts, 18pp, brief details of 18 cinemas
- Untitled document, ms, 1p, list of actors' names
- Untitled document, ms, 2pp, list of dates and films showing
- "Films Showing at the Hippodrome during March 1938", ms, 1p, list
- Index cards, (42) ms/ts, references to cinemas and films
- "Theatre Royal Cinema", ms, 1p, 24.4.[?], THH
36/C Outing with a girl stranger
- Observer account
- "Outing [to the cinema] with a girl stranger", ms, 6pp, 19.4.[38], WH
36/D Entertainment publications
Cinema brochures and general entertainment publications
36/E Newspaper cuttings
36/F Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Children's drawings of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (27)
- Observer accounts
- "Snow White. Bolton Central Library: Junior
Department", ts, 1p, 4.11.38, GT
- "Snow White. Odeon Cinema", ts, 1p, 4.11.[38], GT
- "Snow White. The Market Hall", ts, 1p, 5.11.[38], GT
- "Snow White", ts, 2pp, occurances of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves at various venues and overheard comments
- "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves", ms, 1p, impression of the film
- "Snow White ", ts, 3pp, 10.11.38, NR, comments from children and adults about the film
- "Snow White laughs in order", ms, 6pp, what people laughed in the film, how many times and for how long
- Untitled document, ms, 1p, sketch of "Snow White", wallpaper
- Index card, (1), ms, overheard comment, 1.12.38, LT
- "Snow White. Odeon Cinema", ts, 1p, 4.11.[38], GT