Call for speakers: Soapbox Science returns
By: Jessica Gowers
Last updated: Thursday, 16 December 2021

Share your science and inspire the public at the next Soapbox Science event on 21 May 2022.
If you are a woman or non-binary person* in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) and are passionate about sharing your research and inspiring the next generation of scientists, then this event could be for you.
Soapbox Science is returning to Brighton seafront on Saturday 21 May 2022 and applications for speakers are now open until 28 February.
What is Soapbox Science?
Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform that promotes women scientists and the science they do. Events are hosted in the UK and across the world to celebrate women in STEMM, breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes about who a STEMM researcher is.
Soapbox Science events transform public areas into an arena for public learning and scientific debate; they follow the format of London Hyde Park’s Speaker’s Corner, which is historically an arena for public debate.
What is Soapbox Science Brighton?
The Brighton event, now in its sixth year, is organised by a group of staff at the University of Sussex and is part of the festival Brighton Fringe.
Dr Beth Nicholls, Research Fellow in the School of Life Sciences and lead event organiser, said: “Like so many other events, last year we had to go virtual with Soapbox Science. However, we are really hoping the 2022 event can be held in-person at our usual spot on Brighton seafront. Soapbox Science offers a great opportunity for scientists at all levels – from PhD to Professor – to get some experience sharing their research to members of the public in a fun, accessible format. It’s a great day and I can’t wait to see who applies!”
To see what Soapbox Science Brighton looks like in action, view the 2019, 2018 and 2017 videos.
This year’s event will take place on 21 May 2022. Speaker applications are now open and are welcomed from anyone who identifies as a woman in STEMM.
* Soapbox Science uses an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and welcomes applications from trans women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who for the purpose of this event feel comfortable being female-identified.