Centre for Social and Political Thought


The Centre for Social and Political Thought at Sussex:
SPT Research Seminar and SSPT CAPPE Joint Conference

Reflecting on the Sussex Festival of Ideas

Posted on behalf of: School of Media, Arts and Humanities

Last updated: Thursday, 24 June 2021

A 108, November 1st, A 108, 3.30-5p.m.

Speaker, Paul K. Jones (ANU) ‘Critical Theory, Modern Demagogy, Populism’


November 5-6 Centre for Social and Political Thought and CAPPE Brighton Joint Conference.

Critical Theory in a Time of Crisis. Keynotes Michael J. Thomson (William Paterson University)

Tuesday November 5th

15.45-17.15 Room 318b University of Brighton, City Campus, Grand Parade. 'Critique of Crisis of the Crisis of Critique? Rethinking the Project of Critical Theory.'

WEdnesday November 6th

15.15 – 17.00:  Prof. Darrow Schecter (University of Sussex) 'On the sociology of functional differentiation'

SSPT CAPPE 2019 Conference [PDF 582.12KB]