Broadcast: News items
Taught postgraduate students, tell us about your experience and you could win a £150 graduation package!
Posted on behalf of: Student Communications
Last updated: Monday, 24 March 2025

From today (Monday 24 March), eligible postgraduate students will be invited to take part in the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES). This is a national survey that will run until Friday 13 June.
This survey asks postgraduate students taking a taught course (for example, an MA, MSc, MBA, LLM or PGCE) about their experience so far of being a postgraduate student at Sussex.
Why take part?
We are always looking to make your time as postgraduate students at Sussex the best it can be and your responses to the PTES can help us to do that. There may be questions where it is too early in the year, in these situations you can chose the ‘not applicable’ or ‘too soon to say’ responses.
As a thank you, students who take part by Friday 13 June will be offered the opportunity to opt into a prize draw, with five graduation packages worth £150 each on offer. Each £150 prize will cover the cost of gown hire, two guest tickets and a basic photography package. View the prize draw terms and conditions.
Who runs the survey?
The PTES is run by AdvanceHE through the JISC Online Surveys platform.
How does the survey work?
Eligible students can fill in the survey online at any time from Monday 24 March until Friday 13 June 2025.
You will receive an email from Jisc Online Surveys with the link when the survey launches, plus reminders during the survey period.
If you access the survey via a web or social media link like the one above, you will need your respondent ID (your Sussex email, eg. and password (your Registration number at the bottom of your student card and on Sussex Direct).
Your voice matters, and we hope you will take part in the PTES this year. It is a really important opportunity for you to let us know about your postgraduate experience at Sussex.
You can find more information about PTES on the Student Hub.