New University website given go ahead
Posted on behalf of: Better Sussex
Last updated: Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Earlier this month, the New Web Estate project received final approval from the University Executive Board (UEB). Work will now move from scoping and planning to the delivery of the first phase of the project – an outstanding, new, external-facing website – scheduled for roll-out from early 2026.
The new site will showcase Sussex at its best, supporting our student recruitment efforts and demonstrating our academic and research excellence to the world.
The second phase of the project will then introduce a new, secure and fully integrated staff intranet (to be delivered by late 2026).
The approval of the project means that we can introduce several important changes to the way our website works, including:
- A new strategy for digital content – to ensure that all users receive relevant, accurate, engaging and accessible information
- A new operating model and governance structure for content – to continue to deliver benefits for our users whilst making things simpler for those involved in creating, approving and maintaining website content
- A reduced carbon footprint – to support our goal of becoming one of the world’s most sustainable universities.
Rachel Levett, Associate Director, Digital & Creative Media, and project SRO, said:
“The New Web Estate project gives us a fantastic opportunity to transform the way people see Sussex and goes hand in hand with other efforts to raise our profile, like developing a new brand for Sussex and investment in our marketing and advertising.
“Thanks to the exceptional hard work of the project team, we are now looking forward to delivering a modern, future-proof website that meets the needs of all our users, whether they’re a prospective student, a member of our research community, or a Sussex employee.”
Listening to our community
The decision from UEB comes after a comprehensive planning and consultation phase that was designed to ensure that our new website meets user needs.
Students, prospective students, staff members, website editors, and senior stakeholders from a variety of academic and professional services backgrounds have all contributed valuable insights through a combination of surveys, focus groups, and workshops. These insights will help to shape how our new website behaves and ensure it serves up the right content, in the right places.
Next steps
Work is now underway to finalise procurement of the technology needed to support the new website and intranet, and to audit and migrate content based on insights and user need.
As the project progresses, we’ll continue to work with colleagues currently involved in website content creation and publishing, as well as those colleagues managing any affected University systems to ensure they’re smoothly integrated.
Please email if you have any questions or suggestions, or visit the New Web Estate project page for more information and articles related to the project.