Broadcast: News items
Sexual Violence Awareness Week
By: Chinmayee Sandeep Kadam
Last updated: Monday, 3 February 2025

As part of Sexual Violence Awareness Week, we’re standing against all forms of sexual harassment and violence. This includes any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature like unwelcome sexual comments, jokes, gestures, non-consensual touching, groping, sharing explicit images without consent, persistent advances despite refusal, or coercion into sexual activity. It can happen in person, online, or in any space where boundaries are disregarded.
If it makes someone feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or violated, it’s harassment. No matter the form it takes, sexual harassment is never acceptable.
We are reinforcing the message that no one should have to endure unwanted behaviour, and everyone deserves a safe and respectful environment. If you experience or witness sexual harassment, University of Sussex students can report it through Report & Support—an accessible tool where you can report incidents anonymously or with details (we can only reach back out for support if you share your contact details). This disclosure will not be taken further - to Student Discipline or the Police unless you want this to happen (exceptions include a potential serious risk of harm to someone, or a risk to a child). Please use this service even the incident is not recent. Support is available, and you will be heard.
Speak up. Seek support. Take action.
We encourage everyone to take part in the conversation and help foster a culture of respect and consent. Follow our campaign and stay informed by visiting our Instagram page @universityofsussexwellbeing where we share key resources, support services, and ways to take action.
It’s not just ‘banter.’ It’s not ‘harmless fun.’ It’s unacceptable.